I wrote a script to calculate the volume difference between CL G8 and CL G8=1. I edited the study to set s1 to CL G8 and s2 to CL G8=1 and the script was applied on CL G8 1min chart.
Can someone explain why there are a few bars where the returned volume diff are negative? I think all trades of CL G8=1 should be subset of CL G8, therefore the volume of CL G8 should be always larger than CL G8=1. Do I miss something?
The volume of CL G8 at 9:08 is 76 while that of CL G8=1 is 97, which results in a negative reading of vol(CL G8) - vol(CL G8=1).
- Clearpicks
Can someone explain why there are a few bars where the returned volume diff are negative? I think all trades of CL G8=1 should be subset of CL G8, therefore the volume of CL G8 should be always larger than CL G8=1. Do I miss something?
The volume of CL G8 at 9:08 is 76 while that of CL G8=1 is 97, which results in a negative reading of vol(CL G8) - vol(CL G8=1).
- Clearpicks