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Only 8 Days on Tick Downloader

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  • Only 8 Days on Tick Downloader

    set for 10 days , got 8 calendar days
    Dec 22 request 12:30 AM , got back to the 15 th
    ES H8 , AB H8

    ver 7.91 b738

    last month worked fine - same version
    on dec 15(sat) asked for 10 days got dec 04-14 on ES Z7

    so where do I get my data I am buying?

  • #2
    I'd like to report the same problem.

    Downloading 6E H8 and 6S H8 via "Tick Replay" only gave back data starting on 1/15/08. Since today is the 22nd, this obviously isn't 10 days worth of data.

    I rebooted to try to connect to a (hopefully) good history server, afterwhich I successfully downloaded 10 days worth.

    Apparently eSignal has a bad history server...

    Could someone at eSignal isolate this server and fix it?

    Also, would the IP address of the history server via DOS netstat help eSignal isolate a specific server in the future?
    Last edited by shortandlong; 01-22-2008, 05:06 AM.


    • #3
      Got a connection to the bad history server again.

      This time I was using Dynastore to download data. Less than 10 days of data (1/15-1/22) was received for NG H8. This was preceed by a successful request for HO H8 - I didn't reboot between the requests. Apparently Dynstore got a different server.

      This time I did a netstat during the bad download:

      netstat -b

      Active Connections

      Proto Local Address Foreign Address State PID
      TCP mypc:9999 ESTABLISHED 1088 [winros.exe]
      TCP mypc:9999 ESTABLISHED 788 [Dynastore.exe]
      TCP mypc:9999 TIME_WAIT 0
      TCP mypc:9999 TIME_WAIT 0


      • #4
        FYI, during the bad download netstat -n reported the IP of the connection to as


        • #5
          Thanks shortandlong

          14 hours after your post , same problem with

          finally hit a working one.


          • #6
            3 months later - SAME problem with History Server

            ask for 10 days , still not getting them.
            4/15 to 4/23 is NOT 10 days no matter how you count them.
            My analysis 'Just Loves' the gaps in my data I am paying for.

            Has anyone ever looked into fixing this continuing Problem ?


            • #7
              There is a sporadic issue when making requests beyond 5 days of tick data. We have found where the problem is but it requires roll-out of new code to all servers. This issue is related to the overall project of supporting years of intraday data (and more than 10 days of tick data) rather than just six months (the current limit).

              When asking for extended history tick data, the tick server will deliver the first 5 days (depending on size of request, days could be more or less), then makes a seperate request to a secondary server to get the rest of the data. That's where the sporadic problem comes in.

              We hope to have some interim solutions in the coming month or two and are still planning to release the extended history by end of year.



              • #8
                Glad to hear you've located the cause of the problem. Looking forward to having it fixed.

