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chart differences in data

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  • chart differences in data

    2 of us use ESig data. I use ESig charts and he uses a different charting package. We both have a 3000v chart in the ER2. In the same period of time, why would I have 21 bars and he has 27 bars?


  • #2
    Volume Charts

    Hi John,

    Thanks for your forum post.

    We are constantly making adjustments to our servers to improve the overall performance of our systems.

    We have multiple servers across multiple locations that actively service all your data requests.
    It is possible that some servers may be holding more or less tick data than others.
    Each time you launch data manager, our systems load balancing software automatically assigns you to a different server.
    So it is possible that both your friend and yourself are connecting to different servers which are holding different sets of volume tick data.

    I recommend you apply a discrete Time Template to your volume charts. For example only request 2 days data to be downloaded to your screen by entering the number 2 in the # Days field of your custom time template.

    Please advise should you have any further questions.

    Kind Regards,

