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Expired Futures Contracts Data

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  • Expired Futures Contracts Data

    We are trying to use the expired futures codes for some of the futures contracts that we trade but are having no luck. For the record we are trying to view them on Advanced Charts. We had some success viewing them on Standard Charts but as all of the charts we look at are the same (and set up as Advanced Charts) we need to be able to see this data the as we always do. An example would be ZI H2008 where we could get some data on a Standard Chart but none on an Advanced Chart.

    Thanks in advance,


  • #2

    it is possible to view expired contracts on an adv Chart, using the symbol format you mentioned in your post, ie the 4 digit year code instead of 2 digit year code.

    There was an issue in an earlier version of eSignal 10, please check your version (Help > About) and download the latest version where the issue has been fixed.

    Please note that we provide 120 days of intraday data at the moment. There are plans to increase the amount of data for eSignal by the end of the year.
    We will update the Forum as soon as we have more detailled information available.
    Christine B.


    • #3

      Thanks for your reply. We are using Esignal version 10.0.1086.932 dated the 22/12/2007 which I believe is the most recent version. I called support on this matter and they said the same as you- using our login information they could bring these charts up as well. They then suggested that we downgrade to version 8 which is not viable for us at this time.

      Is there any other reason that we wouldn't be able to bring these charts up? They just hang with the 'Req Sent' message in the cursor box (see attached image). The ability to look at past trades is very important to us and this problem is infuriating. I have also tried it on other machines in our office with different logins (but the same data entitlements).


      Attached Files


      • #4

        Please try to remove all studies before loading the data and apply a time template to specify the amount of days.

        Please review this article on how to set up a time template for eg 120 days.
        To apply, please right click on your chart > Time Template and select the template you just created.

        If you still have problems loading the data, please send me a PM including your contact details and your username so I can contact you tomorrow morning for further troubleshooting.
        Christine B.


        • #5

          Have tried unsuccessfully to attempt your remedy but to no avail. I am unsure as to why exactly we would need a time template as we are only after end of day data. Regardless we tried it with 120 day templates and it didn't work. we also tried it with a number of other time templates. All charts were stripped of studies.

          As I am in Australia contacting me may be difficult for both of us but I was thinking if you could tell me the exact settings you used in your chart or better still upload the advanced chart so I can download it and have a go at it here.

          Failing that I will pull my hair out

          Thanks again,



          • #6
            I just tried running a chart for ZI H2008 using a Time Template set to load 1000 Days for the interval D and it is loading the whole contract back to May 2006 as far as I can see (total bar count is 487 as shown in the Cursor Winow of the enclosed screenshot). Also enclosed is the Time Template used for the test
            Hope this helps


            • #7

              Tried your settings but to no avail. I can only assume it is a subscription issue. Below are the subscriptions for the account we are trying to use:

              200 Symbols
              eSignal Premier
              FX GTIS Foreign Exchange Rates
              Online Indices (EQ)
              Premier Add-on Equities/Futures0
              CBOE Futures
              Chicago Board of Trade
              Chicago Mercantile Exchange (includes CME Globex & CMEE) - Addl. Unit
              ICE Futures US (formerly NYBOT) - Addl. Unit
              New York Mercantile Exchg - Addl. Unit
              Sydney Futures Exchange (inside Australia)
              COMEX - Addl. Unit
              Intercontinental Exchange (ICE)
              Euronext: Interest Rate and Futures Options Level 1

              Failing this I am running out of ideas. Bear in mind support in Sydney said that they could look at the expired data using these credentials. Which basically leaves a configuration issue again. On the advice of support we have also uninstalled and reinstalled Esignal several times as well as reinstalling Internet Explorer which is connected in some way to Esignal.



