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Lost Dollar Index ( Both DX #f & DX A0 )

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  • Lost Dollar Index ( Both DX #f & DX A0 )

    Charts did not start Jan 2.

  • #2
    I cannot get TF #F (Russell 2K e-mini futures) up tonight either. I


    • #3
      I think you will find you need to subscribe to the ICE Futures US Service - USD70.00 per month
      Below is an email I received from eSignal Client Services.

      Dear Subscriber:

      The Intercontinental Exchange (ICE) has informed us that, effective January 1, 2011, the ICE Futures US Indices service will be discontinued as a standalone service. As a result, starting January 1, 2011, you will need to subscribe to the ICE Futures US service to access the indices data in real time. The ICE Futures US service is available to add via Account Maintenance.

      The Professional and Non-Professional rate for the ICE Futures US service is USD70.00 per access device per month.

      Commonly followed ICE Futures Indices include:


      DX #F
      US Dollar Index

      TF #F
      Russell 2000 Mini

      RV A0
      Russell 1000 Value (Cash)

      RG A0
      Russell 1000 Growth (Cash)

      E #F
      Euro Index Futures

      CR #F
      Reuters Jefferies/CRB Index


      • #4
        Nice. I guess this is payback time from the ICE for giving away the TF data for several years just so it could gather a following among the minions (aka at-home traders).


        • #5
          Apparently being a good Interactive Brokers client doesn't matter any more either.


          • #6
            Well it's not $70 a month it's $95 with the eSignal fee. $1140 a year for one chart could force me to look for a new data vendor.

            ICE priced themselves out of the market going from free to $70. I tried finding ICE CEO Jeffrey C. Sprecher's direct email address with no luck. Can anyone find it?

            I'm going to suggest offering individual indices at $2 - $5 a month which would be inline with other exchanges for indices. How does that sound? If you have any other suggestions I'll pass them along.


            • #7
              Hi huntergatherer,

              I agree with you in that it is difficult for me to justify spending that kind of money for 1 chart.

              What other data / charting providers would you consider?

              Thanks for your input.

              Warmest Regards,



              • #8
                Many brokers will supply data for free with an active account. The problem is if you waisted alot of time writing efs code.

                I'm now trying a work around by using the Spread Symbols Tool to create a synthetic index but the tool can only use - + / * and not ^ power or exponential calculations. Another time consuming wall to climb with this software.

                USDX = 50.14348112 × EUR/USD^(-0.576) × USD/JPY^(0.136) × GBP/USD^(-0.119) × USD/CAD^(0.091) × USD/SEK^(0.042) × USD/CHF^(0.036)


                • #9
                  You're right about the efs code, which will complicate the conversion process and introduce a learning curve for new programming or scripting languages.

                  I guess this is a good opportunity for me to think about simplifying my trading strategies to use standardized tools and studies that are readily available from all charting solutions. What would I do if eSignal / IDC went belly up tomorrow?? I realize this is not likely, but I also realize it is not impossible either - especially when one considers today's economic climate!

                  There is a price for custom! It's time for me to keep it simple!

                  Good luck going forward.

