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Missing Cursor Cross Hair on Chart

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  • Ainsley
    Terrific, thank you, that sorted the issue out and Ive got my X and Y back, thanks

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  • LetUsLearn
    Hello Ainsley,

    I use version 21.0 and upon startup of eSignal, my cross pointer wasn't visible on one of my charts like it normally was. When I looked at the bottom of the right-click menu, I seen both "Lock Cursor in Time" and "Lock Cursor in Bar Index" with a checkmark next to them, upon removing the checkmarks, the cross pointer was back to normal. I didn't leave them checked, and for that matter I didn't even know that those options were there...gremlins.


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  • Ainsley
    started a topic Missing Cursor Cross Hair on Chart

    Missing Cursor Cross Hair on Chart

    If I right click on the chart and select Cursor, the Cross Pointer feature does not appear to work, either way i get nothing displayed ie x and y cross hair

    has anyone got a fix for this?, , noting that im on version 21.2.6648.639 64-bit