We don't store historical bid/ask data on most servers but the DM is holding the current quote so yes, you can pull the current bid or ask via a valid DDE link.
Originally posted by ScottJ We don't store historical bid/ask data on most servers but the DM is holding the current quote so yes, you can pull the current bid or ask via a valid DDE link.
I want to pull real quotes. And all the high/low and open/close must be identical with esignal.
But if you have the ticks
and 900.8 is a high price. so, esignal High for the day is 900.8. But there is no Q with bid 900.8. And my High is calculated from Bid only.
Where High, Low, Open, Close prices are taken in eSignal from? Do you use Ask price for that?
If you are a current customer and are actually trying to troubleshoot a problem, please provide more specific details as to what you're trying to do (i.e. the exact DDE links you are using, etc).
If you are a current customer and are actually trying to troubleshoot a problem, please provide more specific details as to what you're trying to do (i.e. the exact DDE links you are using, etc).
Hope that helps and thanks.
For example, if we have highest quotes for the day 899.5 / 899.7. What High value would be in this case, 899.5 or 899.7.
And the second, if there were also Trade at 899.7 and highest quotes the same 899.5 / 899.7. What High value would be for the day in this case.
I am just trying to import your quotes to my application. My application uses Bid prices for Higl,Low,Open,Close calculation. And I noticed the difference between my High/Low and your High/Low values. So, it seems that you use Ask price for bar building...
Please correct me if I am wrong.