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Data Export

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  • Data Export

    Which file in what sub-folder contains data export in the esignal folder? If it's not accessible how can I isolate it and make it so? I'm trying to build a VWAP macro with bands from a spreadsheet. So obviously I already downloaded the data from data export but need to link to it externally.

    Of course if esignal just offered VWAP itinerations with STDEV bands like everyone else the inquiry would be moot, I'm not banking on any sort of genuine help here, but, you know, just as a shot in the dark in case programmers are bored creating useless junk.

    Job security..
    Last edited by JDS_72; 06-23-2009, 10:38 AM.

  • #2
    I'm not sure I understand the question you're asking here, so forgive if my understanding is not what you meant.

    When it comes to data exporting (Qlink, eSigTool or even the Advanced Chart Export feature) you decide where the files are going to be stored during the exit process. Or if you mean what is the actual executable file for data export for example SigTools, that is located directly in the eSignal Folder. But Qlink is the only exporter that offers up VWAP.

    A second option as you mentioned does require some programming experience. An EFS can be created to chart the VWAP and from there adding Bollinger Band for the Standard Deviation should provide you with what you'd need. Click here for a list of EFS programmers that might be able to assist you with this.

    eSignal Support

