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On Demand

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  • On Demand

    I have the EOD on demand service and was wondering if i leave my charting package open can i get it to automatically update the charts? i appreciate the data is delayed. Or do manually have to update each time.
    Im wanting to forward test with the paper trading facility but if you put an order on the chart then at the moment it obviously wont trigger untill you refresh the chart at which point the market could have move quite a distance through the order.
    Many thanks

  • #2

    The EOD OnDemand does require manual updates to received the correct updated bar/candle. Without the manual request the chart would update with pulses of data causing the chart to look much like the one in this post.

    Also because there is no streaming or Bid/Ask data your testing with the eSignal Paper Trading would not be successful. Without the streaming data the order would not be executed, even if the price point is met.

