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Candle changes after closed

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  • Candle changes after closed

    Any reason why bars would change after close? For example, a bullish bar might become a Doji, I refresh the screen and it goes back to the original value which is correct. This is happening on the 5 minute timeframe.

  • #2
    Is this something you can readily repeat? Are you seeing a bar that is being collected in real-time, then refreshing it so the data is then pulled from our servers? If you can repeat it, try capturing before/after screenshots and try to grab the actual data points (using tools, data extract). That'll be the easiest way to see what's going on.



    • #3
      Originally posted by ScottJ
      Is this something you can readily repeat? Are you seeing a bar that is being collected in real-time, then refreshing it so the data is then pulled from our servers? If you can repeat it, try capturing before/after screenshots and try to grab the actual data points (using tools, data extract). That'll be the easiest way to see what's going on.

      Look at the top chart for both of these. Must have happened at least 7 times today. Look at the third last bar. Is this a data issue?

      Last edited by davewolfs; 08-20-2009, 09:24 AM.


      • #4
        Has your team been able to replicate this?


        • #5
          No we have not yet. We will take a look next week but if you want to test further, please provide the raw data, rather than the charts. It's far easier to evaluate and determine if this is a data issue. Thanks.

          Here's a example:
          Attached Files


          • #6
            Originally posted by ScottJ
            No we have not yet. We will take a look next week but if you want to test further, please provide the raw data, rather than the charts. It's far easier to evaluate and determine if this is a data issue. Thanks.

            Here's a example:
            Ok, I've extracted the raw data to CSV.

            Happened again this morning. Can I email the files somewhere? Bar was 9:50 on 5 minute.


            • #7

              We've been testing several scenarios in order to try to duplicate what you are reporting. Although we're still looking into this we speculate that this may be related to a combination of Real Time and Delayed data with your OnDemand subscription. We have a few more folks looking at this and should have an update for you by Monday. Your continued patience is appreciated.

              Thank you,
              Ray Pineda
              eSignal Support


              • #8
                We're continuing to investigate what you're reported. We have notice some anomalies that have been forwarded on to the Product Managers. Once they've had a chance to reply back we'll update the post.

