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eSignal freezing during news today

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  • #16

    It will be some time until you have a new product out so in the mean time I would like to understand what I can do to minimize this issue. Something I have done may be making this more pronounced that on most systems. The recent situation where it crashed was not a freeze or hang - it just stopped executing and widows killed it.

    Anyway, I have developed a study that uses the $TICK. I have that in 6 charts. As well I have a chart for the $TICK and $TICKQ. Could this be overtaxing the system? Would it make sense, from software stress point of view, to put the caluculation in one study and pass the result around in a Global variable?

    Now that I think about it though, $TICK is only updated every 6 seconds so it is not impacted by trade activity. It must be the other studies. Some are duplicating calculations. Is it graphics update time or study math calculation time that is bogging down the system? Or is it simply that the system is waiting for data from your servers when trade activity peaks?



    • #17
      It's sort of hard to say for sure, especially if you're not seeing the problem on a regular basis. If you have modified some EFS routines, that may be the place to focus initially. Are you able to post the EFS for our EFS guys to take a look or is it proprietary?



      • #18
        Here is an efs that I put on the charts for convenience. It is not tied to the primary symbol. The only thing about it is that it calcs a MA of $TICK. This only comes out every 6 seconds so on second thought, that should not bog down the system.


        • #19
          Thanks but I don't see an attachment. Can you try again?



          • #20
            Trying again with the attachment. This forum is really balky.
            Attached Files


            • #21
              It is more likely that the attached efs which does some MA on the VWAP is the culprit.

              Scenario: For each of 3 symbols, 2 charts, 1 min and 5 min. Each chart has the VWAP and this study below. So each chart is calling amVWAP twice.

              For each tick on each symbol then, amVWAP is called 4 times. With 3 symbols, each high volume, then we get 12 calls to avVWAP for each tick (assuming each symbol is ticking at the same rate).

              Under high system stress, after a news announcement and the tick flow is high, a lot of calls are being made to amVWAP. I don't know how your system handles recursion.
              Attached Files

