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Hide cursor labels in X and Y axis

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  • Hide cursor labels in X and Y axis


    How can I configure eSignal so that the cursor labels in x and Y axis are automatically hiden when the mouse is not in chart window? Right now there are multiple chart windows. When I move mouse on one chart, the cursor labels in other windows would keep updating (moving) and the CPU utilization would shoot up a lot ( from a few percents to more than 60 percents) and drop down immediately. If only cross hair is shown but no cursor labels are shown, the CPU usage would be much less. So I think updating cursor labels on other charts is unnecessarily wasting CPU power a lot. They should only be updated when two charts are linked. This should improve the eSignal spped more effectively than those measures such as limiting the update frequency in quote window, etc.


  • #2

    Currently there is no way to auto hide the axis labels on the Advanced Charts. The suggestion you've made is one that would be considered for a future release and I encourage you to send it to ideas so the Product Managers can add it to the list of enhancements.

    Thanks you for the suggestion.

