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Resizing bottom studies

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  • Resizing bottom studies

    OK, this seems stupid--I feel like I must be missing something, but... resizing the bottom chart studies seems unusually awkward.

    Say I have 3 bottom studies (separate, not combined)--for instance, RSI, volume, and CCI. Now I add MACD--it shows up as a new study at the bottom of the window. It's not the right size, so I resize it, and affects the size of the one above, so I have to resize it, and it affects the one above it, etc. The best I've come up with to avoid this is to Control-drag the new one to the top of the stack, resize it there, then Control-drag it back to where I want it.

    This doesn't make sense--the study you're adjusting shouldn't affect the size of the other bottom studies. Esignal is a mature product, and it hard for me to comprehend that it could treat resizing in such a backward manner, so I suspect I'm missing something. I've looked in the documentation (and thus discovered how to merge studies, etc.), but I don't see anything that would indicate that there is a method to the resizing madness--is there one?

  • #2
    Thanks for the post, we've check some of the other charting platforms and across the board the behavior is the same when adjusting indicators to the bottom of the charts.


    • #3
      Originally posted by eSignal_AveryH
      Thanks for the post, we've check some of the other charting platforms and across the board the behavior is the same when adjusting indicators to the bottom of the charts.
      Are you serious? The reason esignal does it is because everyone else does?

      I develop Mac and Windows software, and I can tell you that if you had to compete on the Mac, it wouldn't be tolerated (people are used to arcane behavior on Windows). Sorry to sound negative, but I find it hard to believe that if I pop in another indicator, I have to adjust all the ones that came before it. If I want MACD bigger, why should that make the one above it smaller? And when I fix the size of that one back to where it was, then the one above is messed up, etc...


      • #4
        BTW, a reasonable solution that would not change the current behavior would be to allow resizing with a modifier key held down. (Another would be to have a preference, but that would require more programming.) I think the current behavior is irrational, but a modifier key would allow you to keep it as the default, while not driving people like me nuts.

        Note the lack of consistency in the current implementation:

        1. If you add or remove a bottom study, it steals from or returns space to the top study.

        2. If you resize a bottom study, it steals from or returns space to the study directly above it.

        The fact is that people size bottom studies to the minimum height at which they can easily be read, and the top study at the maximum available space that remains. For instance, if MACD is too small, you can't read it easily, but once it's big enough, it doesn't help to make it significantly bigger. But the top price study always an benefit by being bigger. So, the current behavior means that if you add a study and have to resize it, you probably have to resize every bottom study on the chart to get them back to where they were.

        BTW, one last resizing behavior:

        3. If you resize the window, it steals from or returns space to all studies, top and bottom, proportionally.

        Again, it's inconsistent with the two sizing behaviors above. Really, all of these behaviors should resize the top study only. But it's mainly #2 that he issue for me.

        You say this is acceptable because its what other programs do, and certainly people live with it because once they get their charts set, they rarely change them. but it's not a rational or convenient behavior--it's a poor behavior that people tolerate.

        OK, I'm done, made my case.

        I've been writing a number of studies, and also trying out those others have written, so it's been an irritant for me.


        • #5

          Thanks for the suggestion and we'll forward your commend and suggestion on to the Product managers for consideration in a later release of eSignal.

          We apologize for the inconvenience this may be causing.

