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eSignal never completely shuts down

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  • eSignal never completely shuts down

    I'm hoping someone can give me some assistance with this.

    I have setup esignal so that the data manager closes with esignal.

    I'm running on Win7 X86. I am using esignal 10.6 and the latest IB bridge (although the same behaviour was noted with 10.5). I have setup esignal as per the knowledge base - with admin rights and XP SP3 compatibility settings ticked.

    When I close eSignal down, all appears to terminate correctly but when I go to shut Win7 down I get asked whether I would like to save the current page before exiting, by esignal????

    All very strange but it may go to explain the problems I am having submitted under the thread "Pages and layouts not being saved correctly".

    I've read through the posts here and I did set data manager to exit with esignal (thanks to the poster for that tip) but I would appreciate some help in fixing this.

  • #2
    It might be better if we contacted you directly to try and troubleshoot this. Can you PM me your contact information and a good time to call.



    • #3

      We are narrowing down the causes of this issue and have found one repeatable scenario relating with the News Manager window. In essence, if you have the News Manager running in eSignal 10.6 and you are on Windows 7, then winsig.exe does not properly close down from Task Manager when the application is closed. We are continuing to look for other scenarios that may lead to the symptoms you describe, but we believe this is the crux of the problem.

      I don't yet have an estimate for when a fix can be issued for this, but please note that we are aware of this and have this on our bug list.
      Jay F.
      Product Manager
      Have a suggestion to improve our products?
      Click Support --> Request a Feature in eSignal 11


      • #4
        Thanks for your help with this JayF and Avery.

        I've passed my contact details to Avery in PM so you're more than welcome to contact me and if I can help with sorting this bug out then I'm happy to do so.

        One other thing that might be helpful, is that I noticed another problem/bug that is news related.

        I spoke to Mark Askander (one of your tech support guys in Australia) about this on 12/31/09.

        The problem was that when I have a news ticker windows (yellow background) open (not the white background news manager) and I click on a news story, what happens is that a news story that I clicked on a few minutes/hours/days ago appears rather than the news story that I just clicked on. This did not happen consistently but happened for a few days and then went away. Then happened again.

        Mark and I checked that my connection to the news server was working fine and it was. He connected directly to my PC and saw what was happening. I also sent screen shots etc. He said that he would enter it as a bug on the tracker so for more details it might be worth contacting him.

        Hope this helps and thanks for your efforts so far,

