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Cursor window for multiple symbols

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  • Cursor window for multiple symbols


    I figured out that by pressing "," while a chart is active I can add up to four additional symbols to the chart. It appears that the open,high,low,close for these four additional symbols display in the cursor window, but the symbols themselves do not -- only the first and main symbol for the chart displays in the property window.

    Is there a way to get those symbol names to display?

    I also need to point out that that creating text labels on the chart to correlate with the the colors of the lines is made very difficult by the fact that the color selections for the edit studies window (where I can change the colors of the lines for the symbols) are completely diffferent from the color selections for text.

  • #2
    Price scaling for multiple symbols


    This is a follow on to my last question.

    I am attaching two versions of a chart that is showing four sector SPDRs against the S&P 500 (in one case $SPX and in the other IVV as a proxy).

    In both cases, the XLP line with most recent close price of $27.49 plots way way higher than XLE with recent close price of $58.06. I gather that all lines except the primary symbol of the chart are plotted in relative percentage gain/loss rather than absolute price. But is there a way to configure these lines so that they plot against absolute price?

    Secondly: You'll notice that in the first chart I've drawn text labels to indicate what the lines represent. When I change the primary symbol, these text labels disappear from the chart. This is extremely frustrating.

    Finally: whenever I make a change to the chart, the Save option on the file menu does not become active, and the only way to save the chart is to do Save As.

    Thanks for your help.

    Attached Files

