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Data Access and CME Waiver

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  • Data Access and CME Waiver

    Is there a reason why the data access package is not compatible with the CME Waiver? I realize that part of this is due to the charting having to be linked directly to my broker. But if I am using a software platform which also links directly to my broker i.e. Ninja Trader, Market Delta or Neoticker then why can't the same conditions apply?

    I am an existing DTN customer and they allow for a CME waiver if orders can be placed through your charting package to your broker. Are there any plans for eSignal to roll out a similar package?
    Last edited by davewolfs; 07-01-2010, 10:12 PM.

  • #2

    The CME Waiver does not inherently prevent data access for 3rd party software packages. That is, however, a facet of the eSignal OnDemand package. If you would like to use CME data in a 3rd party package without an paying for exchange fees, then you would need eSignal Premier.
    Jay F.
    Product Manager
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    • #3
      Originally posted by JayF

      The CME Waiver does not inherently prevent data access for 3rd party software packages. That is, however, a facet of the eSignal OnDemand package. If you would like to use CME data in a 3rd party package without an paying for exchange fees, then you would need eSignal Premier.
      Yes - but I do not require eSignal charting, although I do require access to real time stocks. So why not allow this with the data only package if the 3p software supports the brokerage since the waiver allows for it?


      • #4
        Our CME fee-waiver program is predicated upon verifying your account with an approved broker via our Trading Integration module (only available w/in the eSignal software). If you don't run the eSignal app, we can't verify that you have an acct with an approved broker. That's why we can't offer the fee-waiver on our data-only offerings.



        • #5
          Originally posted by ScottJ
          Our CME fee-waiver program is predicated upon verifying your account with an approved broker via our Trading Integration module (only available w/in the eSignal software). If you don't run the eSignal app, we can't verify that you have an acct with an approved broker. That's why we can't offer the fee-waiver on our data-only offerings.

          I see - what if my broker provided you with confirmation that I was using software compatible with their interface and it was also compatible with your data feed - in fact they only use one platform.


          • #6
            At this stage, with our large base of customers, we need to rely on automation for programs like this. Trying to manage this fee-waiver via manual administration just isn't practical for us.

            Thanks for your interest though.

