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Simultaneous Alerts

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  • Simultaneous Alerts

    How does versions 10+ handle alerts triggered at the same time ?

    Are they played to where you can hear all the different .wavs at the same time or are they stacked to play one after the other ?
    Last edited by huntergatherer; 07-26-2010, 11:58 AM.

  • #2

    This is a very good question; if you were to get two alerts to trigger as the same time you'll found the triggered alert sounds would play at the same time.


    • #3
      I'm using v8 with a custom efs that sometimes triggers multiple alerts when a new bar is started. Sometimes you hear a snippet of one .wav before the other cuts it off and sometimes you don't hear the second alert at all. Very irregular and unreliable.

      So what your saying in v10 you can hear multiple .wav files play at the same time at their full length without one .wav cutting the other off.
      Last edited by huntergatherer; 07-27-2010, 10:06 AM.


      • #4

        I upgraded to 10.6. As far as I can tell it was a waste of time .v10 does not work. I created 4 duplicate charts with the same symbols and indicator running on each chart. I then added a feature to where I can select a different .wav file to play for each chart. When the event is triggered I get the same result as version 8. Only 1 .wav file plays. Four seperate .wav files should be playing.

        As a test what I do is whichever .wav played last I disable that alert and when the event is triggerred again I hear one of the remaing .wav files. I then disable that and so on until the final chart plays the last .wav. Which shows that all alerts are triggered but not being heard. Only one is audible at a time.

        Thoughts ?


        • #5
          Thank you for the additional information, we'll investigate further and post back.


          • #6
            Since v10 dosen't work how about a work around. I found this in the forums from JasonK which should add a delay to the .wavs before played. I then could set each alert with at a different cued delay.

            It dosen't work the way I have it. Can you help ?
            Attached Files


            • #7
              See my reply to the same question you posted in this thread

              Originally posted by huntergatherer
              Since v10 dosen't work how about a work around. I found this in the forums from JasonK which should add a delay to the .wavs before played. I then could set each alert with at a different cued delay.

              It dosen't work the way I have it. Can you help ?

