I refer to the contract specifications for SGX MSCI Singapore Index (SGX SiMSCI) Futures as stipulated on http://www.sgx.com/wps/portal/market...dex/sgx_simsci . The eSignal symbol for this product is “SG 0Q-SGX” (August 2010).
May I know how do I set up the time template for this product so as to accurately capture the opening, closing, high and low prices for the day? I need the prices to compute my pivot points.
I refer to the contract specifications for SGX MSCI Singapore Index (SGX SiMSCI) Futures as stipulated on http://www.sgx.com/wps/portal/market...dex/sgx_simsci . The eSignal symbol for this product is “SG 0Q-SGX” (August 2010).
May I know how do I set up the time template for this product so as to accurately capture the opening, closing, high and low prices for the day? I need the prices to compute my pivot points.