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eSig 11 Advanced GET comments

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  • eSig 11 Advanced GET comments

    Not bad overall ... been running since Friday and no issues.
    Running Windows 7, the 64-Bit version of eSig 11, processor is an i7 running at 3.6 Ghz & 12MB of memory - so its a special sort of horse

    Couple of use observations:

    1) Unable to use right-click to make changes to tool defaults. I had to first draw a GANN box, then click on it to edit the function so I could get the box to draw free-form. Using the right-click feature makes it very easy to format the tools for use.

    2) Print ... now just how do I print a chart from eSig 11?

    3) Love how the watch list can be organized by groups which I can then expand and contract. Just wish I could repeat that as I did it once but can't seem to figure it out now.

    4) Trend Line Alerts ... really like the Alert feature and make heavy use of it...would make more use if I could get an alert to trigger when a trend line is breached (not every trend-line is horizontal). Even iy just added breaks of the regression channel it would be a bonus.

    Nice work eSignal - running 11.o in parallel with my 10.6. So far so good.
    Last edited by hef; 01-11-2011, 11:51 AM.

  • #2
    Thanks for the feedback. If you insert a hot list or a comment (starts with a # sign), then add symbols underneath, that comment/text line can be clicked on to expand/contract what's underneath it. I agree, very handy tool.

    With our hibernation methods, symbol counts don't really matter anymore (they only really apply to the viewable streaming symbols) so now you can have thousands of symbols for sorting and spotting opportunities, making the ability to hide/display sub-lists so helpful.

    When we add more tools (like boolean logic) around EFS in a watchlist, that'll become even more powerful.

    What other features/aspects of 11 are you enjoying?


