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General Observations

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  • General Observations

    1. Cannot set range in volume for low volume times.
    2. Insert Text does not open box to annotate, keeps default info. You then have to click away from the text, double click the text, then enter text. Very inefficient and annoying.
    3. Cannot enter multiple lines in the text box like 10.6, text is one long line.
    4. The RAY is not available.
    5. No templates.
    6. No price magnet.
    7. No commas in volume study, difficult to read. Even 'xxxk' would be helpful.
    8. Toolbar??? More mouse clicks!
    9. Still crashes. I have a clean machine, up-to-date software and v.11 just disappears. v10. can run 16 hours with zero problems.
    10. The tabs are very nice. But still need workspaces!

    Generally v.11 seems to take many more mouse clicks to do a task, doesn't seem like a big deal but if you do a lot of chartwork like I do it is tiresome!
    I do like the look and feel of v.11, it's clean and smooth.
    v.10.6 feels like Windows XP, stable and workman like. v.11 feels like Windows Vista, pretty but too difficult to work with.