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V11 updated.

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  • V11 updated.

    Hey Jay, They're busy working on enhancements? How about redirecting someone to the basics? Such as putting back the position lines on the chart for those of us who daytrade using the chart trading function. And having to close down then fire up again just to achieve the V10 function of right click/scaling/auto scale sucks. The enhancements are unusable without the basics.

    And perhaps you could restore the right click drop down menu of V10, so when I want to change something I don't have to go around the block 3 times looking for it? Realize this is negative, but virtually everything I use on a daily basis is compromised in some way at the expense of "enhancements".


  • #2

    Could you clarify what you mean by "position lines"?

    Not sure why you would have to shutdown eSignal 11 to auto-scale the chart. This can be done by double-clicking on the price scale or by right-clicking on the price scale and choosing Auto Scale. It's actually less mouse movements than in 10.6 (i.e. Auto Scale is on the top-level of the right-click vs. in 10.6 its in a sub-menu). The location is different than in 10.6, which means there's an adjustment in behavior.

    What other things are you getting stuck on?
    Jay F.
    Product Manager
    Have a suggestion to improve our products?
    Click Support --> Request a Feature in eSignal 11


    • #3
      Thank you. I asked this question of support, and was told the autoscale function was not yet implemented, and was unable to tell me when it would be implemented. Now here's the problem. You say you cannot understand why I am unable to autoscale? How in the name of all things equal, am I supposed to know to right click on the scale? Perhaps if each programmer, on completion of a component, was responsible for adding that component to a help file system, we might have a better chance of finding our way around V11. And perhaps that help system could become the prototype of the eventual final help system, ensuring nothing's overlooked.

      Now, what else am I having trouble with? My mouse wheel moves V10.6 charts left and right at considerable speed, however is so slow in V11 that it moves backwards. Where do I alter this setting? And please dont tell me to alter it in windows, as that will then make it unusable with all other programs.

      In Graphite mode, I have trouble determining which chart is active, as the grey border at the top of each window is so dark, it is hard to tell which is highlighted. How do I alter that?

      When can I expect the lines denoting position, take profit and stop loss, to be put back on the chart? These lines are the only way to get a quick visual confirmation of order acceptance and fill price. Yes, I know it's in the orders tab, but by the time I decipher that I am probably already out of the trade.

      When I have the items above, perhaps I can then actually use the version to see what else it has/lacks.


      I've actually just found something I like! In the price scal properties, I was able to make the text bold. So much better for old eyes. I have also found the same facility in the Account manager properties. Wonderful. Is there any way I can do the same for the tabs, both page tabs and Account manager tabs?

      Last edited by merkro; 01-28-2011, 03:25 PM.

