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Esignal 11 slow death

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  • Esignal 11 slow death

    I am having severe problems with esignal 11 x64.

    The program quite often just put a [requesting...] or [resolving symbol...] dialogue on charts and they don't load.

    It then crashes (sometimes on launch) and takes up 7GB of physical memory until I go into task manager to shut it down.

    The problem seems worst on certain pages. When I load some it will usually load the contents no problem. Others it seems never to load the charts. Others it crashes.

    I have tried to create new pages and reinstall but the problems seem to persist. It doesn't seem dependant on the EFS that are loaded.

    The machine can handle 4x v10.6 running at the same time without any problems.

    Are there any suggestions for how to fix this?

  • #2
    Have you upgraded to 11.1 yet? This should help performance and crashing issues. Click on this link and install the posted version. Please let us know if these issues still exist or not:


    • #3
      Yes I upgraded and it seemed to solve the problems


