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  • Rays

    In E-Signal 11, the Ray drawing tool has been eliminated or hidden.

    Is there a way to generate a Ray line in this new version? This is a tool I use constantly.

    Thank you!

  • #2
    Re: Rays

    This is another example of too many steps with drawing tools. Click on trendline icon, draw a trendline, r-click, edit, extend right, close. In 10.6 it's on the toolbar, 2 steps. Without cluttering up the toolbar in 11, couldn't all types of trendlines be in a dropdown menu?. And with the top to bottom order of the lines adjustable according to the user's needs.

    Originally posted by wildeelement
    In E-Signal 11, the Ray drawing tool has been eliminated or hidden.

    Is there a way to generate a Ray line in this new version? This is a tool I use constantly.

    Thank you!
    Last edited by jay60; 03-09-2011, 07:18 AM.


    • #3
      You can set your most frequently used line as default using 'Set As Default' in Edit Chart dialog. New lines will use that default.


      • #4

        As wildeelement said in his reply below, that was deleted, setting the line as default would not really be the easiest solution.


        Originally posted by eSignal_AlexM
        You can set your most frequently used line as default using 'Set As Default' in Edit Chart dialog. New lines will use that default.

        Jay - Thank you, that worked. I had to reset my trendline tool to default as a Ray which means I now lose the ability to draw a small trendline unless I go through the steps you mention below.

        A drop down box that allows you to choose different styles on the same tool would also be very effective.
        Last edited by jay60; 03-09-2011, 08:22 PM.

