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cant cancel Subscription

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  • cant cancel Subscription

    I tested e-signal for a while but could not get on with it. Looks pretty, but not too much depth.

    I asked esignal when i needed to notify them to be able to cancel within the 1 month free trial period and sent an email to cancel within the date.

    They replied confirming that my subscription had been cancelled and also stating that i would be eligible for a refund as they had taken 1months trental in advance.

    After receiving this email I have received further emails stating that they have been unable to take June's subscrition. Fortunately, bby chance I had lost my visa debit card and asked for a replacement with a different long number.

    Thinking they are a good company I sent copies of emails exchanged expecting an apology or explanation.

    To this date, they have not refunded any monies owed (as stated in their email to myself) nor replied to any emails explaining the situation.

    I can only think that they try it on after you have cancelled. I have to take some kind of legal advice to find out what to do next.

    i was lucky as I had cancelled my credit card, but if you want to cancel then dont expect esignal to do what they claim to do, even in writting.
    Last edited by Littlebighill; 06-01-2011, 10:53 AM.

  • #2
    Your account has been cancelled as a 30 day trial and a refund is in process. Please allow another 3-5 days before the credit hits your credit card.



    • #3
      Thank you for replying

      Please could you state why you have tried to take further subscriptions depite confirming in writting that the account had been cancelled ?

      Also, you will notice that the credit card had been cancelled (by chance, esle you would habve taken further payments unauthoprised) so - how are you going to refund monies owed ? Would it not make sense to ask for the new long number or alternative credit card since you were unable to take further unauthorised payments ?

      Pity I have to write on this forum to get any kind of response. Sols (unfortunately) have been instructed as for me, the contract was entered and exited in good faith.




      • #4
        3-5 days

        Again, thank you for replying. but as my subscription finished on the 28th may, then why am I not receiving emails asking how payments can be refunded, rather than asking why further payments can not be made.

        If you claim to refund within 3-5 days then already 3 days since my subscription finished, so within 2 days you will make effort to return monies owed.

        i expect you to close this thread as not good publicity, but i am happy to write when i am refunded al monies owed. Maybe better publicity for esignal than..the choice ios yours

        i regularly post on the LSE (KAZ) board and happy to help anybody that is struggling with the basics of TA.




        • #5

          Just looked in my private email expecting some kind of apology or explanation, unfortunately not.

          Imagine i wandered into the esignal office and tried to take your photocopier or fax machine unauthorised, would you not be calling the police ? Exaggeration, but you would expect some kind of apology....

          However, you try and take monies unowed to you, yet this is okay - with no need to apologise nor explain when confronted or questioned by email (except on this forum). if i had not written on here you would never have got back to me.

          i am lucky that i do okay with this gig, but for some, your mistake could have meant a persons mortgage was not paid or something,,,,yet, no apology...

          Good luck esignal, the competition is poor, and for me, there is a huge gap in the market to provide something that actually works and worth the money...


          • #6
            The account was not properly cancelled but the request to cancel was clearly evident. It was then a manual process to undo the mistake and then issue a manual refund. That's why it went past the date you expected it to end.

            Sorry about the hassle. We've been in business a long time and have thousands of happy customers. This was a simple error and was remedied as soon as we became aware of it.


