When you have the 'Use only High and Low' setting on for the magnet the end of the trendline can't be dragged freely past the current bar. It gets stuck on the nearest grid line.
Also, when you use the 'Duplicate' function the parallel line attaches to high/low points of bars in between the trendline and where the parallel line is to be plotted. When you try to plot a line in older bars, the end of the line can't be plotted freely which can make it difficult for the line to set on the 2nd point in the trend.
While the 'Use only..' function is needed, it seems like it needs to work as it does in 10.6.
Also, when you use the 'Duplicate' function the parallel line attaches to high/low points of bars in between the trendline and where the parallel line is to be plotted. When you try to plot a line in older bars, the end of the line can't be plotted freely which can make it difficult for the line to set on the 2nd point in the trend.
While the 'Use only..' function is needed, it seems like it needs to work as it does in 10.6.