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Tick Replay In 10.6

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  • Tick Replay In 10.6

    I did a search and read through the available info but didn't really find what I was looking for.

    The Tick Replay feature in 10.6 sometimes works and sometimes doesn't. I can replay newer tick files but older ones from a month ago no longer seem to work, but I know they worked a month ago.

    A thread from a little over a year ago mentions some of what I am experiencing but there was no follow through on a possible fix.

    Does anyone have any info or thoughts on this?

  • #2

    When doing testing with EFS I tend to use the same old GOOG Tick replay file over and over again. It now about 6 weeks old and I haven't had any problems with it. If you'd like you can email the file over and I can test it on my system here.

    The only other think I can thinks is the chart interval, I've sometimes started the a reply on a Daily Chart and wonder why I was not seeing any bars.

    eSgnal Support


    • #3
      I tried to send one of the files but I think it is too big (220mb) for my email client. Attaching it here doesn't work either.

      When I encounter this problem the file acts as though it is working because I can hit "play", "pause", and "reset" but nothing gets plotted. I can also advance to a certain date or jump ahead "x" amount of minutes and the data will plot but it doesn't continue plotting, or replaying, on its own. And, as stated before, the file worked when I downloaded it.


      • #4

        220 mb is pretty big and I don't know of any mail client that would except it.
        There were a couple of other questions I forgut to ask; At what speed are you playing the file back at?
        And do you get the same result with any other older replay files?

        One other test if you have not already done so is changing the interval. Maybe try a tick charts to see if you see each tick.

        eSignal Support


        • #5
          I have tried playing these files back at a speed of from 1x to 20x. I have also changed the interval from 3 minutes to daily just to see if anything would get the file to start plotting. And yes, I have the same results from older files, they no longer work too.

          This wouldn't have anything to do with the futures contract I am working with expiring does it? For instance, it would seem as though all older Tick Replay files that no longer work, but use to work, are from an expired financial futures contract. The current tick replay files I have from the current financial futures contract are still working.

          Is Tick Replay going to be implemented in Esignal 11?


          • #6
            TIC Replay - Futures

            We have spent countless hours with this problem. Bottom line, in order to replay "older TIC" files, the code in the file needs to be changed to "trick" eSignal into thinking that the TIC file is in the current contract period. If you need the process, we have an EMail from Customer Support.


            • #7
              Thanks for the reply and clearing this up jross. I will just stick to using the current contract.


              • #8
                Yes, Thank you jross. I would like a copy of that email. Would you forward it to [email protected]. Many thanks.


