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Range Bars not plotting correctly on esignal 11

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  • Range Bars not plotting correctly on esignal 11

    Attached is a .35 R chart of Citigroup on esignal 11.2. Time template is set to 09:30-16:00 (10 days back). Can see clearly that range bars are not calculated correctly at several places. Is this a bug ?

    Same problem exists for esignal 11.3 Release Candidate. However esignal 10.6 plots the bars correctly
    Attached Files

  • #2
    This issue should be resolved before 11.3 goes Gold. It's a high priority to resolve.



    • #3
      Can you check if you are using 11.3.2441 or 11.3.2443? The latter was uploaded late Friday and may have the range bar fix in it.

      You can check version by clicking the main menu (eSignal icon in upper left), then About.



      • #4
        Tried loading the same chart on 11.3.2455, and it make esignal crash. A report with id {33DF4CA9-2977-4B32-A767-754907D7F51A} has been reported using the option that pops up after a crash.


        • #5
          Range bar charts

          This is reliably making eSignal crash for you? Can you please try this on one chart with the other pages(tabs at the bottom of the screen) closed? The reason behind this being that if we can get the chart to load we can at least see if the bar calculation is correct on your end (it appears to be working fine in eSignal 11.3.2455 here). Then we can work on the crashing issue you are seeing. Let me know what you find.
          Thank you,
          Eric O.
          eSignal Support


          • #6
            Looks like my installations were mixed up. Did a clean install of 11.3.2455 and the chart loads fine. No crash.

            Thanks for your attention

