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Does v11 have "draw lines on top of price data"?

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  • Does v11 have "draw lines on top of price data"?

    v10.x and before has an option in the properties for a chart to "draw lines on top of price data".

    Am I missing something obvious in how to enable this feature in v11 or has it been intentionally left out and will never be an option going forward? Because I can't begin to tell you how annoying it is to be measuring price distances with the ruler during live trading and then have price bars immediately cover up the majority of the line.

    I understand that if I click on the actual ruler that it will pop to the front of the z-ordering and I will see it on top of price. That's only going to work on a per-line basis. I've got multiple rulers on top of price and I need ALL of them on top of the price bars ALL of the time.

    Guys, put this option back in if it's not there. The v10 (and before) group got it right on this one. This goes under the category of "don't try to fix things which aren't broken about v10". Just carry it forward and accept that the principle designers of that product line knew exactly what they were doing.

  • #2
    I agree. Because this feature is so ubiquitously helpful my guess is during the design phase no one thought to specifically suggest you keep this option. I’m surprised Steve’s post has been up for almost a month and others haven’t chimed in asking for it’s restoration. I’m officially chiming.



    • #3
      lines on top of price data

      I agree that this feature should be transferred to the new product. I've requested that a feature be added to be able to have all of the lines stay on top of the price data.

      Also in the future you can request features like this using the Request a feature menu under Support within eSignal 11. That goes straight to our developers.
      Thank you,
      Eric O.
      eSignal Support


      • #4

        This is the main problem with a suggestion box. It produces duplicate suggestions since it is only a blind, one-way communications vehicle. It collectively wastes the time of everyone making suggestions because they don't know whether or not theirs has been entered yet and it wastes the time of the one(s) reading them and having to filter out the duplicates.

        Forums are good because they are two-way communication mediums. Two-way communication and historical look-up of past answers helps greatly to avoid duplication/wasted time by everyone. Users should talk to support and support should talk to a representative on the development side and also serve as an advocate for the consensus of user opinions/concerns.

        The "draw lines over price" option has been in the 7.9 -> 10.6 series for over 8 years. Why would a user of that series ever need to have to write a suggestion to get that included in v11 in the first place? Do I have a richer knowledge of v10.6 than a v11 developer? I should hope not.

        Eric, those of us who trade full-time (for many years) are a wealth of information of what is actually useful about a product. But I personally need feedback, to actually be listened and responded to in this whole process and the best way to do that is through the forums.


        • #5

          Please don't construe a suggestion to use the link within the product, to send ideas and comments, as a replacement for these forums.

          Interactions between users and our various internal teams are essential to our successful development of new products, functions and services.

          The value of that link within the product is that it goes DIRECT to our engineers so they see unfiltered commentary from users. A tremendous benefit for engineers that aren't otherwise connected to the end-user.

          I hope that helps explain why we encourage users to submit ideas via the product. That said, we also strongly encourage the dialogue here on our forums.


