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  • Speed

    I was told that the speed issue (of drawing daily, weekly, monthly charts) was going to be addressed in 11.3. I see no improvement. I cannot use the program at this point. It just takes too long to look thru a list of symbols. Also, new in 11.3, when you hit spacebar inside quote window to move to the next symbol, it is 1 behind.

  • #2
    eSignal 11.3 speed

    The daily, weekly, and monthly charts do draw much faster in 11.3. Perhaps there is something specific to what is being loaded that is causing these to draw slow for you. I suggest a call to our tech support so that we can look deeper into this issue.

    As far as the space bar functionality, could you please go into more detail? I'm not sure what 1 behind means. When I use space bar it correctly brings my selection in the watch list window down by 1 symbol.
    Thank you,
    Eric O.
    eSignal Support


    • #3
      I have the identical chart setup in 10.6 as I do in 11.3. The charts in 10.6 come up instantly without hesitation. This is not the case for 11.3. If I am the only one having this issue, then I will call tech support. But, I don't think that is the case.

      When I hit the spacebar, the symbol with the box is not the one showing up in the charts, it is the previous one.


      • #4

        My daily charts in 10.6 and in 11.3 populate at exactly the same rate. This wasn't the case with earlier builds of eSignal 11. Couple of things to try. If, up to this point you've been updating the eSignal 11 software from a much earlier build then I would suggest removing the eSignal 11 software and it's files and then reinstalling a fresh eSignal 11.3 and see what your results are.

        As far as the Space Bar behavior goes, I understand now what you are talking about and I am able to see this in the program. I don't believe this is intended behavior. I have forwarded this to our developers so they can look into it.
        Thank you,
        Eric O.
        eSignal Support


        • #5
          I uninstalled and reinstalled 11.3. There is definitely improvement once you have called up a symbol once for the session. However, the 1st time you browse a list there is still a significant delay before the daily, weekly, monthly charts are displayed. If this problem is only on my end, let me know and I will call tech support.


          • #6

            I don't seem to be able to duplicate this issue in the latest version of 11.3. The charts for these intervals are pretty instant, even if it's the first time I'm bringing them up for the day.

            There are a few individual things that we can look into and this could be page related as well. At this point, I do think a call to our tech support might benefit you. If anything, we will be able to further clarify whether this is a software issue or something else.
            Thank you,
            Eric O.
            eSignal Support


            • #7
              I will call. Thanks.


              • #8
                I called support and they were really little help. They told me to take indicators off and check the speed. If I compare a page I have on 10.6 with a similar page (with similar indicators) in 11.3 version, there is no comparison on the speed. 10.6 is about 5x faster, at least, to pull up daily, weekly, monthly chart simultaneously. If I take all indicators off, then it is about the same speed. But then it is of no use for me. It may have to do with custom indicators that do not seem to effect speed in 10.6 but may be are in version 11. Or, could it be number of bars loaded or something along those lines?


                • #9
                  That is possible yes. Perhaps if we get a copy of the page we might be able to help you out a bit better. Would it be possible for us to set up a call between you and I? PM me your information and good time to reach you and we will see if we can get this working better for you.
                  Thank you,
                  Eric O.
                  eSignal Support


                  • #10
                    I have similar problem. If I open 3 charts with different timeframe, they are not sync, in esignal 10.6 it is ok. alreay report it to esignal, but no response till now.


                    • #11
                      Although there are significant improvements coming to the eSignal 11 charting in upcoming builds, we have to take these issues on a case by case basis. The first thing I suggest be done is that you contact our tech support line at 510-264-1700 option 2. This will eliminate any known causes of this issue. If there are still problems after the call then perhaps we can have our developers look at the specific page that is causing the problem and find out what is going on.
                      Thank you,
                      Eric O.
                      eSignal Support

