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Stable grid divisions??

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  • Stable grid divisions??

    Maybe it's just me. I CANNOT figure out how to force the gridlines (scaling) to stay fixed.

    As an example, I trade forex. I like to have a lot of charts in view, in order to pick up on a forex pair that may be on the move. To do it, I need to gauge it's volatility/range at a glance (generally by bar size relative to chart size, since my charts are all the same size--I like to look for BIG BARS, especially).

    So...if I could have ALL CHARTS ALWAYS have grid lines that were 10 pips apart for example, I could see the RELATIVE ACTIVITY between pairs easily. I could look at one chart and see a thin line of candles, vs. another chart with big bars--and know immediately which one I want to concentrate on.

    Instead, no matter how I try to set them, esignal eventually will readjust the width of the gridlines (I don't mind that the POSITION is adjusted--so that the bars don't go off the chart). The upshot is that I glance at a chart and think "WOW! Look at that go!" only to find that the grid lines (and bar sizes) have readjusted to 2 pips from 10 pips. It's very frustrating.

    Is there a way to FORCE the grid to keep its size?

  • #2

    In eSignal 10 you can right click inside of a chart and then go to scaling and deselect auto scale. This will let you select what you want the scaling on the right to be and make it so the chart doesn't auto adjust. The scale on the right also controls where the grid lines are.

    In eSignal 11 you can right click the Y axis itself and click on auto scale to deselect it. This will do the same thing as it does in eSignal 10. Once either of these has been done, you will have to adjust the scaling on each chart manually by click and dragging the cursor on the Y axis and then saving the page.

    Although this isn't locking the scale in place, this should allow you to accomplish what you are trying to do. The ability to lock the right scale (also the grid) is a feature that I will request for a future release of eSignal 11.
    Thank you,
    Eric O.
    eSignal Support


    • #3

      Now here's something bizarre: After right clicking on the Y axis, I notice that some of my charts have auto scale checked, and some DON'T--and indeed it always seems that it's SOME charts that are constantly resizing on me (and I thought it was because of price).

      I never set "auto scale," so it's bizarre that some charts are checked and some aren't.

      I'll try to notice what may be going on (e.g., auto-scale is turning ITSELF on).

      Thanks again!


      • #4
        Regarding changes to newer versions: The ideal setup for me would be:

        1) It would be possible to set in stone not only the INTERVALS of the grid, but the actual SIZE--so that every chart could have EXACTLY the same size, and comparisons of BARS between charts could be immediate and instinctive.

        2) A "re-center" button which would bring the last bar back to the center of the chart (which would require sliding the grid--but not altering it's interval spacing or size). Sometimes there are charts that I haven't looked at in awhile (or, if one has small charts, it the "while" can be only a half-hour). On those charts the bars can be FAR off the chart--the chart looks black. Fixing it involves studying the data and grid to decide which way to drag the chart, and then dragging--sometimes several chart screens worth. It would be quicker and easier to rearrange all that with one click.


        • #5
          The first request would be taken care of in the first feature request I put in. The second one is a good one and I believe it's one that we've gotten before. I've put in this request for you as well.

          As a side note, you can also put in feature request within eSignal 11 by using the request a feature form in the Support menu. This information goes directly to our development team.
          Thank you,
          Eric O.
          eSignal Support

