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Legalities Associated with Leasing EFS Scripts

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  • Legalities Associated with Leasing EFS Scripts

    I am planning on leasing some EFS code that I have written.

    My attorneys asked if there is any legal requirements or limitations imposed by eSignal when I do this.

    I read the Terms and Conditions and can find nothing about this (neither giving permission, nor explaining limitations). I assume eSignal likes people writing EFS scripts and distributing them, since it may lead to more eSignal users.

    Were can I find the written, legal information (in the T&C or elsewhere) that covers the writing and distribution of EFS?


    (PS Any ideas on how I can find beta testers?)

  • #2
    I don't believe we have any documentation about this. This is mostly because we are perfectly ok with clients making their own EFS files and then leasing them out.
    Thank you,
    Eric O.
    eSignal Support

