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Scanner in eSignal 11

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  • Scanner in eSignal 11

    I have been using the scanner in eSignal 10.6 in the following way. I have linked a scanner window to a chart window so that when I press or hold down an up or down arrow key on my keyboard (the scanner being the active window), the scan results display in the chart window one by one. Using the arrow keys, I can rapidly see every chart for the equities that the scanner has come up with. This is how I primarily find my trading targets, so the capability is critical to me.

    However, in eSignal 11.3, which I tried yesterday for the first time, this capability seems to be very limited. The arrow keys do not work for this purpose. Only the space bar seems to work, and that only moves down the list, rather than both up and down, which the arrow keys could do in 10.6. Also, the charts load very, very, slowly in version 11.3, compared to 10.6. The loading is so slow, that the process of reviewing the scan results becomes too slow to be practicable.

    Could you please tell me if I can do something different to obtain the results I want with version 11.3? Alternatively, could you include my problem as a future enhancement for eSignal 11? I'm afraid I'll have to keep using 10.6 for now, unless I have some improves way of reviewing charts from the scan results.

  • #2
    scrolling on scanners

    The charts loading slow is something that is being drastically improved in an upcomging build of the program. As far as scrolling through the scanner within eSignal 11 you can actually rebind “Grid.Move Focus To Next Line and Enter” to the down arrow and “Grid.Move Focus To Previous Line and Enter” To the up arrow and get the same functionality that you do in eSignal 10.6. If you just want to use the default commands you can move down the list by pressing the Spacebar and up the list by holding shift then pressing the spacebar. Hope this helps.
    Thank you,
    Eric O.
    eSignal Support

