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New horizontal line extension - Sweet!

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  • New horizontal line extension - Sweet!

    I just wanted to say this addition to Version 11.4 (early) is nice.

    It took me a while to find it - in the line properties box (go figure) - but it works great with how I like to mark support and resistance levels. It's now my default.

    Thank you!
    Rusty A

  • #2
    This is what gets me about the additions. The development staff will add something new like this to the drawing mode, which is fine, but they are not willing to do something obviously useful to everyone like give the 10.6 option to have all lines drawn on top of price data (it's in the "Properties..." dialog off of the right click on a chart).

    This isn't even a suggestion to throw in the virtual mailbox. It is a mainstay of the 7.9 -> 10.6 product line which should have been in 11.x without me or anyone else ever having to ask for its inclusion. It is a real time waster to have to click on a line to bring it to the front over price data. In 10.6, this is a no-brainer. You click that one option box and then all your lines are drawn on top of price.
    Last edited by SteveH; 03-14-2012, 09:19 PM.


    • #3
      For feature requests like this, it is recommended that the request a feature be used in eSignal 11 under the support menu. These request go straight to our developers. I will put in this request as well, I believe it is a feature that is already being worked on for a future release of the program. I will post again once I have some more details.
      Thank you,
      Eric O.
      eSignal Support


      • #4
        The global feature to be able to make all lines and lines drawn in the future draw on top of price data is coming in the next major release of the eSignal program after eSignal 11.4. I don't have an exact date for when this will be released yet.
        Thank you,
        Eric O.
        eSignal Support

