It's entirely possible that the request has been in for quite some time and was just pushed back in favor of other changes made to the program. We have developed pretty much strictly on user feedback and provided tools so users can send feature requests as well as bug reports directly to our developers. All of these reports get looked at and responded to and are the driving force behind eSignal's furture development.
Not all the features from our 10 series have been copied over to the new 11 series just yet, but they are still in the works. That being said, eSignal 11 has improved performance compared to the 10 series in a lot of different ways. Thank you for your continued patience with this and please feel free to contact me directly via PM with any questions or concerns.
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% change from open
% change from open
So again eSignal support and product management ignor the paying user. 18mths ago I request this feature be carried over from 10.4 as is. Support contacted me last November and said it would be in the March release.
Then your Product manager writes a sloppy spec that has -ive % change from open coming out as green and a feature not per the user request. Your developers and test team do not point out the inconsistency to 10.4 and the user request.
And now to cap it of you dont even have the b**ls to admit you got it wrong and this is a bug and incorrect product spec.
Very disappointing as is 11.4, 18mths on and you still dont have a product that is functioning better than 10.4
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When we say working as intended we mean exactly that. It was designed to change on the Net Change from close only and that's what it does. So what JayF is trying to say is that this isn't a Bug, by definition. Our developers are now looking into adding a toggle to the program to allow the users to specify what they want the color change based on.
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Originally posted by JayF
Hi Simon,
Thanks for the feedback. This is actually working as intended, but frankly we need to design this better. The coloration is based on the Net Change from Close only, and it would be good to present that choice to the user. Simply put, this feature isn't available. It's not that our testers didn't catch this, but that we haven't developed this additional color choice.
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Hi Simon,
Thanks for the feedback. This is actually working as intended, but frankly we need to design this better. The coloration is based on the Net Change from Close only, and it would be good to present that choice to the user. Simply put, this feature isn't available. It's not that our testers didn't catch this, but that we haven't developed this additional color choice.
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% change from open
The % change from open color should reflect the change from open currently it reflects the % change from close i.e.
if % change from close is +2.0 this field should be green then if the % chg from open is -1% this field should be red. Currently both fields color is represented by the % change from close.
BUG BUG not sure how testers missed this simple item.Tags: None
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