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Keep Drawings on the Chart

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  • Keep Drawings on the Chart

    Hi there,

    New to eSignal and wondering how do I prevent drawings on a chart to go away when I close the chart window.

    I really hope i don't have to draw lines every time I need to open a chart and look at a stock that i've already looked at and analyzed before.

    Example, if I open an SPY chart, draw some support resistance lines, closed the chart and then come back to it, the LINE should stay on the chart.

    Please advise. thanks!

  • #2
    lines on charts

    Lines are saved to particular chart windows. If the chart window has lines on it and then is not saved as part of page and closed then those lines will be gone.

    If you close charts frequently and reopen them and don't want to lose these lines, you can save style templates. To do this right click in a chart where the lines are already applied, go to style templates, and then select save. Now if you close this chart and open a new chart you can apply the template you saved from the same menu and it will bring back the lines you can drawn. Hope this helps.
    Thank you,
    Eric O.
    eSignal Support


    • #3
      Re: lines on charts

      Originally posted by eostrom

      If you close charts frequently and reopen them and don't want to lose these lines, you can save style templates. To do this right click in a chart where the lines are already applied, go to style templates, and then select save. Now if you close this chart and open a new chart you can apply the template you saved from the same menu and it will bring back the lines you can drawn. Hope this helps.
      Hey eostrom,

      Are you saying if i draw lines on 5 different charts (different symbols), i then need to save each chart as a different template? So a template for each symbol that has drawings on it?

      If that's the case, that is a real big limitation for eSignal.


      • #4
        If you wish to close your charts after putting lines on them, then yes. The only way to get those same charts back with lines on them is either to open a previously saved page that had the charts with the lines opened already or to open a saved style template for that chart.

        If we had the lines stay on a chart for a particular symbol even after that chart was closed we would start to run into problems as time went on beyond the anchor points of those lines. Also there are many clients that draw lines that are only valid for one particular day and they do not want these lines to persist on the charts beyond closing them. We have some major improvements coming into the program in regards to the drawing tools. Perhaps we can add this feature as a toggle or something in the future. I will request this for you.
        Thank you,
        Eric O.
        eSignal Support


        • #5
          thanks for your help eostrom.

          So if i'm understanding currently. Saving the page will save all drawings at the moment of the save. But if i need to open that chart in a different page, i need to really be using the template style save to be able to pull the lines back up.

          I think I got it.

          Thanks again.


          • #6
            line tools

            Yes, this is correct. Glad I could be of some help. Please let me know if I can assist with anything else.
            Thank you,
            Eric O.
            eSignal Support

