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Multilple Symbols not always available?

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  • Multilple Symbols not always available?

    In most charts in 10.6 when I use the comma key to open the Change Symbol window, the Multiple Symbols button appears. But in some charts the Change Symbol window opens without the Multiple Symbols button. Why is that?

    In both cases I have charts with multiple studies and/or efs's. I can't see what is significanty different in the charts where I can't get the Multiple Symbols button to appear. Is there something in a chart that prevents the Multiple Symbols button from displaying?


  • #2

    The multiple symbol button should always be available with the press of the comma key on your charts in eSignal 10.6. The only time I've been able to duplicate not having this button available is when there were performance issues on the system that eSignal 10.6 was being run on.

    To test this, please use the task manager to get an idea of just what and how much of the resources are being used on the system while eSignal is running. Try to shut down or stop any unneeded programs from running. Also you might try opening a new page to see if you still experience the issue. If you need further assistance with this, please use the following link and contact our tech support team. I'm confident that one of our reps will be able to help you out with this.

    Thank you,
    Eric O.
    eSignal Support


    • #3
      Thanks for the reply Eric.

      This issue will occur after hours as well where (except for security software) all I am running is eSignal.... and my 8 core processor is showing 3% usage.

      As you suggested, I called tech support, and Charles immediately knew what I was talking about .. he'd heard about it previously, and it happened to him as we spoke. We tried running brand new, bare bones charts, and in alternate layouts and still sometimes (not always) it would occur.

      He said he'd talk to you about it and reply (I think) via this forum
      Another funny issue I have is regarding Fibonacci Retr. grids on 65 minute charts. I can draw a grid and save the chart. If I edit the grid by grabbing and moving the square box at the end of a Fib line, no problem with saving the chart. BUT, if I select a Fib line and click on it mid-line (not on an end point) and shift the whole grid, I get a 'Failed to Save Document' popup when I try to save it. On other timeframes, no problem shifting a whole grid and saving it. This issue Charles could not duplicate.



      • #4
        No 'Multiple Symbols' box

        The same thing occurred again today .. the Multiple Symbols box would not appear (in 10.6).

        As mentioned before, Charles had experienced the same issue. He was going to ask in-house about a fix, but I haven't heard back by phone (as promised) or via this forum.

        I am still hoping for a fix or work-around for this issue.


        • #5
          I still haven't been able to pin point what might cause this issue in the program. At this point the only thing I can recommend is a complete removal of the software including registry entries and then a reinstall. If the issue has anything to do with an error in a file associated with the program this would fix it. If you need help with this process, we can assist over the phone if you like. We can get this done without losing your page or pages.
          Thank you,
          Eric O.
          eSignal Support


          • #6
            I'll look further for what instances cause this to occur, before wanting to do a complete re-install. I use Layouts, which I am not so sure can be as easily recovered as Pages (which I don't use), but thanks for the offer to help with the reinstall if it comes to that.


