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Esignal 8.0 Not Updating / Time Loss

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  • Esignal 8.0 Not Updating / Time Loss

    Started last week. Bars fail to create on the interval. Sometimes price continues to update but a new bar is not drawn. 1 min and 3 min charts lock up with a tick showing for the last bar that has a time stamp older than previous bar (last bar = 8:09 and 1 bar back shows 8:19 etc.).

    Rebooting computer doesn't fix.

    Could this be corrupt time stamp on data ?

    NQ #F
    EUR A0-FX
    DX #F

  • #2
    There are a couple other clients reports similar behavior with eSignal 8.0. I'm currently investigating this. For testing purposes would you be able to test eSignal 11 to see if it updates correctly for you? Please let me know.
    Thank you,
    Eric O.
    eSignal Support


    • #3
      I built a Quad core cpu with 10,000 rpm harddrives and fast Ram because my previous computer locked up with maxed out cpu usage. The $2k spent didn't fix the problem. It was the new versions of Esignal causing cpu usage to max out. Version 8.0 works.

      I'm still seeing computer freeze problems in the forums with newer versions of Esignal. I prefer to stay with v8.0.


      • #4
        We are constantly upgrading our servers here on our end to improve the quality of the data that we are sending out. In doing this, it is possible that older versions of our program will have issues connecting and/or getting data. That time could possibly be now for eSignal version 8.0 but I will need to test some more to really find out. There's really no advantage to staying on 8.0 over eSignal 10.6 at the very least and we know 10.6 works with the current server configuration. So that might be something to look into in the future.

        Also, most of the performance issues with eSignal 11 have been fixed already and there are further performance improvements in the very near future for this. The issues that are still appearing on the forums are very unique to certain users.
        Thank you,
        Eric O.
        eSignal Support


        • #5
          Had these problems couple years back trying to get 10.6 to work.

          Just using a Quote window running upwards of 100 symbols with no other windows or charts open maxed out the CPU sending core temps through the roof. Had to put a liquid cooling system on the CPU to keep it from burning up.

          I then tried your data feed with a third party charting software and ran the max 500 symbols in a quote window with only 2% CPU usage on the same computer. The answers I received from tech support was the eSignal data feed has so much data computers just can't keep up. Why did the third party software run so good with low CPU usage on the same feed.

          I was also running custom spreads that added 15 stock symbols then divided by 15 to get an average price. I then charted that. Running 2-5 of those charts at the same time maxed out the CPU on 10.6.

          I prefer not to pull my hair out again and spend several months trying to figure this out again. Are you saying these problems have now been resolved in these newer releases ?


          • #6
            That eSignal 10.6 issue sounds like something very unique, that definitely is not and hasn't ever been the norm with that version of software. We regularly test and run eSignal 10.6 here on a variety of systems, most of which don't have half the power of the system you describe and do not see issues close to this. Generally speaking our eSignal 10.6 version is the most resource efficient of the older framework and we have many clients that run this program without issues.

            The performance issues I was talking about below, are the most recent ones that have been discovered in eSignal 11. Most of those have been fixed and the others that have been found are in the process of being fixed as we speak.

            All of this being said, I can understand not wanting to go through a process like that again. I'm confident that we will be able to get eSignal 10.6 running on the system you mentioned if you'd like to give it another try. Please let me know.
            Thank you,
            Eric O.
            eSignal Support


            • #7
              I looked for my previous bootstrap installer and the V10 that I had all the headaches with was v10_r4 so I decided to try v10.6. Here's the results.

              Running the same page with 15 charts on the Quad core

              v8.0 runs stable at 3% CPU usage with spikes to 8% and temps at 35c.

              v10.6(build 1879) runs between 3% and 11% CPU usage with spikes to 26% and raises temps 5 degrees c which is alot.

              I tested both versions with the same page in slow market conditions. I'm already at 26% can't wait to see what happens under heavy conditions.

              Looks like we're still in Betaville to me.

              I did see something interesting in the forums about a "multi-threaded" release. How far are we along with that. Is that still in Betaville too.

              I know one thing rebuilding this software from the ground up is the right path.

              Do a test with 10.6 and find out how many symbols it can run without pegging the CPU. I'd try but I'm not subscribed to the 500 symbols needed for the test.


              • #8
                I regularly test what eSignal 10.6 can handle and have had well over 1,000 symbols (not all charting) loaded on it had it perform fine. This is with no EFS files on any of the charts open and in both a busy market and a slow market.

                Also, eSignal 11 is a rebuild of the program from the gound up and it's also multi threaded. That is the direction we are moving in and the software far out performs both the 8 series and the 10 series. I only suggested 10.6 to begin with because some clients do not want to change the way the program looks.
                Thank you,
                Eric O.
                eSignal Support


                • #9

                  In case you're curious, my main pet peeve about not wanting to upgrade from 10.6 to 11.x is that the bar resizing algorithm is far better in 10.6 than it is in 11.x. You can see this for yourself. Pull up a candle chart in both versions. Start making the bars larger by left clicking on the X-axis and dragging the mouse. With 10.6, you get more bars on the screen with the correct spacing between them while 11.x gets fewer bars visible on the chart performing the same action.

                  I've said this over 3 times now on these forums ever since 11 was in beta but no one is giving this problem the attention it deserves. The candle bar enlarging algorithm on 11.x is inferior to 10.6. But this is a not a difficult thing to fix in 11.x.

                  The reason you're not hearing a lot of complaints about this is because the majority of people using your product don't use larger candles on their charts.


                  • #10
                    @SteveH - This concern has been noted and reported to our developers. We are working on improving this for a later build of the program. Some improvements to this have already gone into the current version with more to come.

                    For further reports like this please use the Request a Feature option within the eSignal 11 program.
                    Thank you,
                    Eric O.
                    eSignal Support


                    • #11
                      We are still looking into the original issue with eSignal 8.0. It appears that this might be part of a larger problem and is something we are looking at fixing. I will update again once I have more information.

                      Current workaround: update the program to at least 10.6
                      Thank you,
                      Eric O.
                      eSignal Support


                      • #12
                        That will work. v10.6 is a cpu hog. I've had slight freezes/hangs with todays market action. Problem is likely do to the lack of full "multi-thread" capability with 10.6 running on one core. When I restart sometimes it configures to use all 4 cores which is visible in the 4 graphs in task manager.

                        The hangs occur while trying to resize or general cursor movement. Moving the cursor adds about 10% to cpu usage for a split second and if it's during heavy market movement a slight freeze occurs.
                        Useage has been running in the mid 20% range this morning. Hangs occur in the high 20's because usage is split in 4th's one for each core.

                        Hope you can get 8 working again for now then I'll move on 11 once it's fleshed out.


                        • #13
                          We have a workaround here that will allow clients to keep eSignal 8.0 if they choose (for now). It does require deleting two files out of the eSignal directory and replacing them with two files that I can provide. If you are interested in this workaround please PM me for instructions and please provide an email address.
                          Thank you,
                          Eric O.
                          eSignal Support


                          • #14
                            eSignal 8.0 workaround

                            Here is the workaround that will allow the program to work as it did before. With these files installed the program will not auto-launch the Data Manager as it did before. The DM will need to be manually started either after or before the main eSignal program.

                            Steps to get the fix:

                            1. Download the zip file at the following link

                            2. Unzip the file, there should be two files (winros.exe and dbcapi.dll)

                            3. Copy these two files into the eSignal directory in c:\Program Files(86)\eSignal

                            4. It will ask you to replace the existing files, please do so

                            5. Once this has been done launch the eSignal program as you normally would

                            6. Then click the start button within Windows, go to all programs, eSignal, and then click the Data Manager to manually start this

                            This should fix the issue without upgrading the full eSignal program. Please let me know if there are any further questions.
                            Thank you,
                            Eric O.
                            eSignal Support


                            • #15
                              8.0 restored

                              Dear Eric O @ Esignal support: just did the fix on my computer exactly as you stated and it is working like a gem. I just wanted to say thank you to you and the ESignal support team. I have an older computer (believe it or not Windows 2000 professional) and the only ESignal platform that will run is 8.0. I have tried v 11 and it gets hung up all the time. I know I need to upgrade my computer but in this economy, I cannot afford it right now but hopefully in the near future. I have been an ESignal customer for over 10 years (actually also using my fathers account ... so between the 2 accounts ... 10 years +). I am happy that ESignal put forth the effort to correct the v 8.0 problem. That just shows me why I will stick with ESignal as long as I am trading. I am glad that you all are looking out for your customers. Anyway, I just wanted to send a thank you as I am sure there are plenty other of your customers that are happy with this fix but don't take the time to say thank you. So THANK YOU. Sincerely, Mark W.

