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Microsoft Visual c++ Runtime Library Error

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  • Microsoft Visual c++ Runtime Library Error

    Hi. I am running eSig V10.6.2425.1208 and after 15 minutes in playback am now consistently getting a Microsoft error message that reads:

    Microsoft Visual c++ Runtime Library
    This application has requested runtime to terminate in an unusaul way. Please contact the application's distributor.

    This is despite the fact that this same page seems to run fine in Real Time. Can you give me some general guidelines I can use in troubleshooting this problem? Thank you.

  • #2
    What version of Windows are you running this on? Also have you installed all of your Windows updates?
    Thank you,
    Eric O.
    eSignal Support


    • #3
      I am running Windows 7 Home Premium (x64) Service Pack 1 (build 7601) and am current in all updates. In my post below though I should have written that the problem arises during tick replay not playback.


      • #4
        anyone out there?

        The following is a description of my system. Any suggestions/speculations as to what may be causing these MS error pop-ups and consequent eSig shutdowns would be appreciated.

        Hewlett-Packard h8-1160t 1.01
        3.40 gigahertz Intel Core i7-2600
        256 kilobyte primary memory cache
        1024 kilobyte secondary memory cache
        8192 kilobyte tertiary memory cache
        64-bit ready
        Multi-core (4 total)
        Hyper-threaded (8 total)
        MainBoard: PEGATRON CORPORATION 2AB5 1.01
        hp DVD-RAM GH80N [Optical drive]


        • #5
          I'm sorry to ask but when you say "after 15 minutes in playback am now consistently getting ...." is this every time Tick replay plays for 15 minutes you get the error or you were able to run it for 15 minutes one time, and now when you try and open Tick replay it crashes?

          One other question are you trying to play the same file again or a newer file?

          Thank you and I apologize I'm trying to get a good picture of what's happening to better troubleshoot.

          eSignal Support


          • #6
            The former. Tick Replay will run for 15 or 20 minutes at which point I now without exception get the MS Runtime error described below. I vaguely remember this occurring some years back and found then if I decreased the number of global values/variables I was using in my studies I stopped having the problem. So I've reviewed the studies I'm using now, eliminated all but a couple global values/variables but the problem still occurs. I'm now in the time consuming process of repeatedly running Tick Replay on the page sequentially leaving out one study at a time in the hope I can pin down the problem to a single study. No luck yet. BTW I uninstalled and reinstalled the eSignal program but to no avail. In answer to your second question I've run a variety of different tick files, many of which I ran before this problem developed and at that time had no problems with the any of them. Now replaying any of the previously replayed files generated the error message. Any suggestions, either general or specific, as to what may be causing this would be appreciated.



            • #7
              Avery, I found the study causing the MS runtime errors. Within that study I implemented what I now realize was a conceptual boner worthy of a Three Stooges episode in which they are hired as market analysts. Sorry to have taken up your time with a problem I created.



              • #8

                Thank you for the update and I'm glad you were able to determine the issues.

                Please let us know if we can be of any further assistance.

                eSignal Support

