Just great! 11.4 froze so often it was unusable, so I installed V3 and for the first time since V11 introduction, I started to warm to old faithful's replacement. Have been using it for a month or two and starting to find my way around, gradually transferring my EFS library. This morning, for the first time, up pops a message in the formula output box telling me SP2 is released.
Reading the release note in Jay's sticky post, there are several references to fixes to freezing, so says I, let's update, which I did.
Now I have no settings left, cannot load my previous pages, and appear to need to recreate everything all over again! No thank you!
Why does it always have to be so complicated? If you release a new version, why can't it just download over whatever I have and carry on? And if a precondition to installation is the removal of old versions, why can't it tell us so? This is so bloody upsetting!!!!!
Reading the release note in Jay's sticky post, there are several references to fixes to freezing, so says I, let's update, which I did.
Now I have no settings left, cannot load my previous pages, and appear to need to recreate everything all over again! No thank you!
Why does it always have to be so complicated? If you release a new version, why can't it just download over whatever I have and carry on? And if a precondition to installation is the removal of old versions, why can't it tell us so? This is so bloody upsetting!!!!!