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DDE commands reference from winros to Excel

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  • DDE commands reference from winros to Excel

    I am wondering where can I find all the DDE commands that I can use in Excel.
    For example =winros|BID!'O:AAPL 13A600.00' will display the BID price for this option. I am looking for all the commands that I can use with winros in Excel spreadsheet.

    For example in options I would like to display the Delta, Gamma and Implied Volatility...

  • #2
    This article might help a little . Also you can bring up the Excel sample and look at the qualifiers worksheet, this will give you all the qualifiers you can put into the formulas to get different information. Hope this helps, thank you.
    Thank you,
    Eric O.
    eSignal Support


    • #3
      Sorry but it did not help. I am talking about eSignal 11.4 and this "sample spreadsheet that it is available under Start / Programs / eSignal / Excel Sample" does not exist under windows7 x64. The whole directory does not exist...


      • #4
        The Excel sample along with sigtools does not install with eSignal 11.4. The reason for this is the future intigration of the QLink application which uses RTD since DDE is very old technology. There is a link in the article to download the Excel sample.
        Thank you,
        Eric O.
        eSignal Support


        • #5
          That is great but you are charging an additional $10 per month to use Qlink.

          What I ask is simple function reference of the existing DDE. The DDE is mostly good enough for me and I pay enough money to eSignal to receive this so called "old technology" reference. I also think it is very unprofessional to have this reference on the web, than remove it just in order for the customers to migrate to Qlink in order to produce more profits for eSignal.

          All your selling philosophy is completely wrong. For example you release eSignal ver 11 that was really unusable for use for the first few months. Your Q&A is terrible so the users have to do the job for you. And for all of this your explanation was - "you can run Ver 10 and Ver 11 at the same time". We the software users are not your software testers - we are traders not testers and we do not need this privilege to run 2 programs at the same time just because one was released as working software that was actually in testing stage .It took many months for ver 11 of the software to start working properly and not hogging the computer resources.

          Anyway, I as a paying customer would appreciate to have the DDE reference and I don't care if it is an "old technology". It is working for me in Windows 7 and 8 and if you supply it to customers you have the responsibility to support it until it is withdrawn from the program.


          • #6
            As Eric already indicated you will find the link to the Excel sample spreadsheet - which includes the DDE qualifiers - in the article he linked in a prior reply

            Originally posted by fafot View Post
            That is great but you are charging an additional $10 per month to use Qlink.

            What I ask is simple function reference of the existing DDE. The DDE is mostly good enough for me and I pay enough money to eSignal to receive this so called "old technology" reference. I also think it is very unprofessional to have this reference on the web, than remove it just in order for the customers to migrate to Qlink in order to produce more profits for eSignal.

            All your selling philosophy is completely wrong. For example you release eSignal ver 11 that was really unusable for use for the first few months. Your Q&A is terrible so the users have to do the job for you. And for all of this your explanation was - "you can run Ver 10 and Ver 11 at the same time". We the software users are not your software testers - we are traders not testers and we do not need this privilege to run 2 programs at the same time just because one was released as working software that was actually in testing stage .It took many months for ver 11 of the software to start working properly and not hogging the computer resources.

            Anyway, I as a paying customer would appreciate to have the DDE reference and I don't care if it is an "old technology". It is working for me in Windows 7 and 8 and if you supply it to customers you have the responsibility to support it until it is withdrawn from the program.


            • #7
              Do you mean this link?
              Click image for larger version

Name:	eSignal File Share [eSignal Sample Screenshots - Updated DDE Info]_1343990036635.png
Views:	1
Size:	35.1 KB
ID:	242790
              Because if this is the one - well it downloads an unreadable New.pdf file that is 27kb long.


              • #8
                Click image for larger version

Name:	DDEqual.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	94.2 KB
ID:	242791

                The image you show is a link that downloads an .xls file. That's the Excel sample that will give you the qualifiers for DDE.
                Thank you,
                Eric O.
                eSignal Support


                • #9
                  Thank you Eric for the DDE qualifiers. That is what I was looking for.

                  In regards to the link that I posted on the image before, when you click on the New DDE Sample Spreadsheet.xls it downloads a file called New.pdf that is unreadable. Please try it first before advising me again how to download that file. Tx. That is the direct link:
                  Last edited by fafot; 08-03-2012, 07:15 AM.


                  • #10
                    You're doing something wrong during the download. I have tried this as well as many others and we are all able to download the correct .xls file from the link provided. If you like, you can contact our tech support line at 510-264-1700 option 2 and we can use remote access to get the file on your system and working as it should. In my above post I put a screenshot of all the qualifiers from the .xls file in question. So if you are still having trouble, you can use that screenshot to see all the available DDE qualifiers.
                    Thank you,
                    Eric O.
                    eSignal Support

