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Volume at Price Stdy bug found, Scaling problem

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  • Volume at Price Stdy bug found, Scaling problem

    I loaded the new Volume at Price 11.5 script onto a weekly chart. Something is wrong with scaling.

    My chart is set up for all windows independent sizing and the title bar is hidden until I click on a chart (Auto hide title bars).

    When I click on a chart and the title bars become displayed the verticle price scale will move to accomodate the title bar space. The chart will resize into the smaller space. However the volume at price study does not resize but remains fixed. The volume at price study cannot be displaying the correct price as the price scale has changed and the volume at price study bars didn't move with the scale change.

  • #2
    I am able to duplicate this bug. I have reported this to our developers for a fix. Thank you for the report.
    Thank you,
    Eric O.
    eSignal Support

