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Continuation charts to show expiration gaps and my original question about PITCHFORK

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  • Continuation charts to show expiration gaps and my original question about PITCHFORK

    Is there anyway i can tweek my continuation charts so that the gap that occurs on contract expiration is visible? Perhaps using a time template? Alternatively the same goes for multiple symbols of contracts. I have tried using multiple symbols ES U12 and ES Z12 but again the gap is not visible. Any ideas?

    Lastly I posted here that it was impossible to use the pitchfork line tool in monthly and weekly and daily charts going back before 1992 as this creates an error message. Avery H was dealing with that issue.. any chance of this being resolved?

  • #2
    If you'd like to see this gap in the charts you should be able to right click inside of the charts and then go to properties. From there you can put a checkmark in the box that says show whitespace (in the scales section). As far as the issue Avery was looking into, I can try to get an update for you aas Avery is currently out of the office.
    Thank you,
    Eric O.
    eSignal Support

