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Vertical Line Tool - more options please

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  • Vertical Line Tool - more options please


    With regards to the 'Vertical Line' tool, can we perhaps have an option to allow us to extend this down through the indicator subcharts if desired, please.

    (Similar to cursor/cross-hair usefulness, for those with multiple indicators /subcharts wanting to align points of interest )

    Thanks in advance.


  • #2
    To align previous price bars with the corresponding volume bars and/or points in indicators in subpanes I have asked for something similar to DD's request many times over the years. Turning the crosshair on and off 100 times a day is not active trader friendly.

    It would be great if you could just place the pointer on a price bar and have the corresponding volume bar or point in the
    indicators change color. Other programs have this. And nothing could be simpler for the user.

    Thank you for considering our requests.

    Originally posted by Desert Dan View Post

    With regards to the 'Vertical Line' tool, can we perhaps have an option to allow us to extend this down through the indicator subcharts if desired, please.

    (Similar to cursor/cross-hair usefulness, for those with multiple indicators /subcharts wanting to align points of interest )

    Thanks in advance.

    Last edited by jay60; 12-19-2012, 01:28 AM.


    • #3
      I also have asked for a similar tool many times over the years. My intended use was for documenting post mortems of trades. I had requested that a single click in a chart would create an 'all pane' vertical line coupled with a horizontal line (extending to the right only). In that way the state of all indicators as well as the time and price of each trade entry and exit point could be clearly identified on a chart and screen captured for use in a trade journal. It would also be useful for illustrating trade strategies. Unlike many requests in these forums that would have limited user interest, I believe this tool would be used by a relatively high percent of eSignal users. But I gave up asking for this years ago and had forgotten about it - disappointing to see it is not included in 11.x (one more reason not to switch from 10.6).

      P.S. curious to see if the subscription notification is working
      Last edited by shaeffer; 01-18-2013, 03:27 PM.


      • #4
        This is something that we are already looking into adding to the program. Due to other more popular features and bug fixes, this has been pushed back though. It is still coming in a future release of the program.
        Thank you,
        Eric O.
        eSignal Support


        • #5
          ...look forward to it...

          Thanks for the reply Eric.

