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winros.exe is sending 3 to 4x more data than it is receiving

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  • winros.exe is sending 3 to 4x more data than it is receiving


    Windows 7 Pro 64
    eSignal 11.5.2964.845 64 bit

    Since updating esignal to 11.5.2964.845, winros.exe is sending 3 to 4x more data than it is receiving. Why? This is killing my internet connectivity ans making eSignal UN-usable.

    It is as if winros.exe is sending personal data from my pc or perhaps it is continuosly trying to send a crash report or some other info to esignal. I have no idea.

    Thanks in advance for any help to resolve this.

    Screenshot attached
    Attached Files

  • #2
    Winros has to send requests whenever the program needs data. If you change symbols on a chart, add a symbol, or first open the program, the Winros.exe must send data. It does not have access to any personal data and cannot send this information. The Winros.exe file does not handle sending crash reports so it is not doing this. You will sometimes see that Winros.exe is sending information though.

    From the screenshot we can see that this data isn't going outside of your system, but it is sending this data to "Admin-PC" this is your computer. So this should not affect your external bandwidth at all.
    Thank you,
    Eric O.
    eSignal Support

