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eSignal Floating Windows not displaying correctly

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  • eSignal Floating Windows not displaying correctly

    After a new reinstall of eSignal 10.6 on Windows 7, the advanced chart Floating Windows are being displayed incorrectly. On both monitors, there is up to a centimetre gap from the bottom of my screen to the bottom of the lowest advanced chart, and another centimetre or two being missing from my highest advanced chart.

    The screen resolution on my monitors are correct, so I am unsure as to whether this is an eSignal or Windows 7 issue?


  • #2
    When you say that the resolutions are correct to mean that they are same between the monitors? Are the monitors the same sizes and resolutions?
    Thank you,
    Eric O.
    eSignal Support


    • #3
      Hi Eric,
      My Primary monitor, which displays the main eSignal window, is a 24" screen with a resolution of 1920 x 1080. The other three monitors which are incorrectly displaying the floating windows are all 22" with a screen resolution of 1680 x 1050.

      I have just loaded a layout which displays floating windows on all four monitors. The floating windows on the 24" monitor still have a gap at the bottom, but they finish perfectly at the top of the screen. At a guess, it seems that the same incorrect display settings are being applied to the floating charts on all four monitors.

      I never encountered this issue when I was running eSignal 10.6 in Windows XP Professional 32bit, and I am only experiencing this display issue with eSignal.

      The main 24" monitor and the two 22" monitors either side of it use a Sapphire ATI HD6450 Flex Graphics Card, but the third 22" monitor on the far right of my set up is being driven by the Gigabyte Motherboard DVI socket. So, I don't know if that rules out the graphics card?



      • #4
        Hi Eric,
        I tested the following this morning.

        I created a new Layout and positioned a Floating Advanced Chart on each monitor. The charts were tested in different positions on the screen (at the edges, in the middle etc), and eSignal was closed down and restarted at each test. Every time I did this, the floating charts were repositioned accurately, in exactly the same place they were left.

        The only issue was with Windows Aero Snap (A S). If a chart was positioned using A S, they would only be saved at the position before A S was used. I disabled A S to solve this.

        I also tested eSignal with the Windows 7 Basic Theme, and this made no difference.

        So my Floating Windows issue could be an eSignal one. Has the window position data being altered in some way?

        I am using a lot of charts in my Layouts, so manually repositioning them is a very last resort.



        • #5
          There have been issues in the past with moving eSignal windows between monitors that varied in size and resolution. Although we are no longer updating eSignal 10.6 I believe we had this issue in eSignal 11 in the past as well. This has since be fixed in eSignal 11. You may want to give that a try and see if that works out better for you.
          Thank you,
          Eric O.
          eSignal Support


          • #6
            Hi Eric,
            I have changed my monitor sizes over the years and the eSignal software has never had a problem with it. The only significant difference this time is a change from Windows XP to Windows 7.

            Do you know what the fix was with the eSignal 11 issue?

            I tried moving some of my Layouts, and eventually just a few charts, from eSignal 10.6 into eSignal 11 and it did not work. There were problems with simple efs studies being copied across, and every time it led to my computer freezing half way through the process with no transfer being completed at all in the end. Has eSignal improved this process now?



            • #7
              The eSignal 11 issue was a bug in the program and it was fixed on our end. As far as EFS files go I would recommend just transferring your page over to eSignal 11 and then importing the EFS files manually rather than using the automatic page transferring.
              Thank you,
              Eric O.
              eSignal Support

