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Can Anyone please explain to me how Moving Average Offsets work?

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  • Can Anyone please explain to me how Moving Average Offsets work?

    I understand that moving averages count the average of the last X bars I define by using a certain aspect of the bars using this or other mathemtical forumula ( Simple, Exponential, etc.) . but how do Offsets work? They go ahead in time to places where no bars are at yet , so how are they being calculated?

    I would like to thank everyone in advance for enlightening me

    Dana Berliner


    I want to add a picture to my profile. How do I do that?

  • #2

    All it is doing is taking the MA and moving it forward (or backwards) the offset amount (in bars).

    So there is no difference in the method used to calculate the MA, only in how it is drawn on the screen.



    • #3
      Re: Can Anyone please explain to me how Moving Average Offsets work?

      Originally posted by dberliner
      enlightening me

      Hi Dana,

      I use a simple 3ma setback -3 bars. I like when this moving average
      crosses the current price, a bollinger band, or the 9ma etc.
      Hope that helps.



      • #4

        To add an avatar to your profile:

        Click on "USER CP" (one of the blue bottons near the top of the BB page). Then select "Edit Options" and scroll down to the section on AVATAR's.



        • #5
          I might be slow..

          But I still didn't get it

          let's say I'm using an SMA of 50 calculating itself using the closing price . what it does is it takes the last 50 bars' prices , computes them together and divides them by 50 , hence giving me each day's average for that day... how can it compute me an average using the Offset ? for that it would have to have a closing price of the last bar... and it doesn't ...

          Maybe I'm missing something here and it's a lot simpler than I think


          Dana Berliner


          • #6
            You can see a brief explanation in this thread


            • #7
              Thanks , Alex!

              I should start using the searching features..


              • #8

                OK, lets say today is tuesday the 6th and I have a 10 day MA offset 3 into the future that I am calculating and displaying on a daily chart.

                I would calculate my 10 Day MA for tuesday as normal (Sum of preceeding 9 days + today/ 10 for a simple MA). Let say that value is 25.00.

                The offset portion would move the value of 25 forward to friday the 9th (3 days (bars) forward. The value for monday the 5th would be displayed on thursday the 8th.

                So the MA is calulated the same (based on today's close) but it is moved forwards (or back if it is a negative offset) a certain number of bars for display purposes only.

                In the attached picture, the blue line is a 10 day MA, the red is the same MA offset forward 3 bars.

                Attached Files


                • #9
                  Re: Re: Can Anyone please explain to me how Moving Average Offsets work?

                  Originally posted by JJordan
                  Originally posted by dberliner
                  enlightening me

                  Hi Dana,

                  Set forward doesn't tell you much! JMO, where's the signal?

                  Just use a simple 50 moving's a good tool.
                  I prefer the 40sma

                  Here's is a stochastic signal confirming the 3,-3ma Price
                  cross signal. If you use a setback it should create an eSignal?


                  Last edited by JJordan; 01-08-2004, 07:32 AM.


                  • #10
                    Basic Studys offsets vs efs offsets

                    efs buddys,

                    Does anyone know why when I use the basic studys ma and offset it by 5 it draws the ma to bar index +5

                    But when I code an offset ma in efs, (say 3) it draws the ma to bar index 0 only?

                    I have attached my efs code and a snap shot of the problem:

                    Green = sma (10) offset 5 using basic studys
                    Blue = sma(10) no offset using efs
                    Red = sma(10) offset 3 using efs

                    efs code:

                    function preMain(){

                    setCursorLabelName("OMA", 0);
                    setCursorLabelName("SMA", 1);
                    setDefaultBarFgColor(, 0);
                    setDefaultBarFgColor(, 1);

                    function main(){

                    var oma = sma(10, open());
                    var smao = sma(10, open());

                    return new Array ( offsetSeries(oma, 3).getValue(0), smao )
                    Attached Files

