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Charts not updateing at start of day

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  • Charts not updateing at start of day

    My charts have not started updating at the start of trading. The snapshot window and quote pages are ticking along just fine, but when 8:30 rolls around, the charts don't start registering any action. If I click <Ctrl>OK on cursor window to reload the data, things start working fine. Very odd behavior, and quite problematical as well.

    I'm using a time template set to 15days, 8:30-15:15 and running it on the ES #F, and NQ #F contracts.

    Anyone have any suggestions on overcoming this problem?


  • #2
    Hi JO,

    Few a questions for you:

    When did the problem start and had you made any changes just prior (new version, new chart window, etc)?
    How many charts do you have open and do they all act the same?
    Have you tried opening a standard chart and see if that fails to populate at Market Open as well?
    Have you tried creating a "new" Advanced Chart file and see if that one updates as the market opens?
    What version of eSignal are you running?

    I'm wondering if this is a software glitch or compatibility issue or somehow a server connection issue. Seems software related but answers to the above questions should help quite a bit.



    • #3
      Originally posted by ScottJ
      Hi JO,

      Few a questions for you:

      When did the problem start and had you made any changes just prior (new version, new chart window, etc)? >> I used to use the #F=2 and all worked fine. Same problem with U4's. I quit using #F=2 because it sometimes just quits updating, and the only fix seems to be to exit eSignal and re-start it again. This indicates a possible server connection issue, but I'm not sure.

      How many charts do you have open and do they all act the same? >> 2 and yes

      Have you tried opening a standard chart and see if that fails to populate at Market Open as well? >> No, not yet

      Have you tried creating a "new" Advanced Chart file and see if that one updates as the market opens? >> No, not yet

      What version of eSignal are you running? >> 7.6(Build 636A)

      I'm wondering if this is a software glitch or compatibility issue or somehow a server connection issue. Seems software related but answers to the above questions should help quite a bit.

      That's a lot of questions Scott. I'll do some more investigating over the next few days, and post results here. Thanks for the reply.


      • #4
        Update on update...


        This morning I made some more observations. I opened a Standard Chart with ES#F before the opening, and at 8:30 it started updating just fine.

        My Advanced Chart with ES#F did NOT update. Neither did one with ESU4. An advanced chart with ES#F=2 did update!

        I forgot to try opening a new Advanced Chart, so I don't know yet if that would have worked. I'll close out the two charts I use every day, and re-create them as new ach files. Tomorrow morning will then be the test.

        See my previous reply for answers to your other questions.


        • #5
          Hi Jo,

          Just wanted to check and see if you were able to run your test this morning with the Advanced Charts. Please let us know how things are proceeding. We'll keep plugging away at it until all is well.


          • #6

            I started out today with two new Advanced charts set up, and the same problem happened again. There's only one shot at testing this problem, and that's with the first trades of the day.

            I'm thinking that the problem may have started when I began using time templates with a fixed number of days. I don't recall having this problem when I used dynamic templates. I started using fixed time periods when I put a trading system online; but having to reload the data after the start of the day is really problematical.

            I'd like to use the #F=2 symbols, but as stated before, they sometimes quit ticking completely while other symbols are working fine. When the data is reloaded the next day, the gaps are all filled in. Strange indeed. This lack of ticks on #F=2 symbols appears on a quote page as well.

            That's all I have to report for now. Any ideas?


            • #7
              Still problems !

              Just tried starting the day using Dynamic Time Templates, and my problem STILL persists. My charts won't update until I do the <Ctrl>OK thing. Really a pain in the you know what!

              That's all for now. Back to baby sitting my system.


              • #8

                When this problem next occurs, I suggest pulling up the Data Manger to see if it's able to receive a quote for the symbols that aren't working for you. To do this, click on the Data Manager on your Windows Taskbar (if it's not on your Taskbar it will be in your system tray... down by your system clock.) Then in the Data Manager, hit F2 on your keyboard. This should pull up a big Symbol Monitor screen. Just type in the symbol at the top, and press Enter. If you are able to get a quote, then we know the problem resides in eSignal somewhere, and I would suggest a Complete Uninstall and Reinstall. If you don't get a quote, then there something wrong with getting that quote from our servers to your system, and please PM one of us with your eSignal user name. This will allow us to check the back end and see if there's anything going on with your account or connection.

                If you have any questions about any of these processes, please let us know.
                Jay F.
                Product Manager
                Have a suggestion to improve our products?
                Click Support --> Request a Feature in eSignal 11


                • #9

                  Thanks a lot for all the trouble shooting info. I'll try this tomorrow morning and see what happens. We'll keep plugging away at this problem until we get it fixed.

                  Thanks again..


                  • #10
                    Step 1 completed...

                    I let everything run as usual today, and had the chart update problem as expected. I then did the F2 thing with the Data Manager, and quotes were flowing there. Also quotes were flowing in my quote windows.

                    So, over the weekend I'll do a complete Uninstall/Reinstall, and see what happens on Monday. I'm hoping that will clear up this anomaly. Could easily be some file corrupted somewhere I suppose. We'll see....


                    • #11
                      I had this problem on Friday 8/13 for some symbols. A refresh (Ctrl+double-click on green OK) did not resolve it. When this happens, the solution I use is to open the data manager, File > Properties, and in the Connectivity window click on Office Server IP Address (graying out eSignal CM IP Address), click OK, wait 30 sec., then go back and click on eSignal CM IP Address, click OK. This disconnects and reconnects the data manager, and on reconnect, new server connections are established. This avoids having to shutdown and restart the entire eSignal app, and always restarts data whenever charts fail to update.


                      • #12
                        Step 2 Completed, and...

                        Still the problem persists. I did a COMPLETE UnInstall and ReInstall over the weekend. This morning I had one chart running ES #F=2, and the other running NQ #F. The #F=2 chart worked as it should, but the #F chart refused to update after the opening bell.

                        I think this points to some internal problem with Time Templates and continuous futures charts. Since the #F symbol updates essentially 24 hours a day, something causes it to "hang" if used with a template specifying day session only hours.

                        So, that's my conclusion, and I await a fix from the eSignal programming staff.

                        Lancer: thanks for the tip on jumpstarting the data manager without having to close down the entire application.



                        • #13
                          I have this problem with hsi q4-hkf...

                          The 55t, 133t and 1 charts load fine but the 250v seems balky at times. control-ok works some times and not tothers.

                          Last nite I changed 250v to 133t and them back to get it to load.

                          Not sure any of this helps others, but that is what I have been seeing.


                          • #14

                            I have yet to duplicate this issue on our end, but it sounds like one or more people have. In hopes of duplicating this in a lab environment, we need some further information. What intervals are you using? What studies are loaded on the chart?
                            Jay F.
                            Product Manager
                            Have a suggestion to improve our products?
                            Click Support --> Request a Feature in eSignal 11


                            • #15

                              I have only two charts up; ES & NQ. Interval = 13min.

                              Only one study on each chart. This is an automated trading system written in EFS, that calls two built in Moving Averages.
                              That's it! The problem happens even on a chart with no studies.

                              My Time Template is as follows -
                              Type: Intraday Default
                              # Days: 15
                              Start: 8:30
                              End: 15:15

                              As stated in my last post, the problem seems to be related to running a Globex 24hr symbol with a Day Session Time Template.

                              Hope this helps...

