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Charts not updateing at start of day

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  • #16
    Thanks, it helps a lot. We'll work on trying to duplicate this, and let you know the outcome.
    Jay F.
    Product Manager
    Have a suggestion to improve our products?
    Click Support --> Request a Feature in eSignal 11


    • #17
      FWIW, I also have this problem most everyday on two of 7 advanced charts. All have the same indicators. The two that don't start at the open in the am are the only two that are not dynamic charts (these two are 90 day fixed). They are also the only two that have "nonstandard" time periods. They are 65 and 130 min charts while the others are of the garden variety 1 min, 5 min, 15 min, etc. type. Interestingly enough, they always start themselves when the second bar begins, but then the first bar only partially displays. Its not been a big deal because I now am in the habit of doing the Control-Click deal about a minute into the trading day and they start right up and display the correct bar.


      • #18
        Hi All,

        We have conducted some test at the open and have replicated this problem. Seems like a simular problem we had some time ago. We're doing further research on this and will have more when we know more.

        Will update here when we hear back from the engineers.



        • #19
          Version 7.7

          Jay or Andy,

          Does this latest release (7.7) address the issue discussed in this thread?

          I'm just wondering if I should bother to upgrade at this point, as everything else I'm doing with 7.6 works well.



          • #20

            If I remember this issue correctly, manually refreshing the chart window pushed the chart into actively displaying the updated data. This is still the case in eSignal 7.7. Even though the process of manually refreshing the chart hasn't changed in 7.7, it might be wise to upgrade to keep in step with the current build. This is still a known issue that we are working to resolve.


            • #21
              I am having the same problem of advanced charts not updating at the beginning of the day including some plain vanilla daily charts. This is a huge problem; if I don't know what the chart should look like I am liable to forget to force an update.

              In addition, I notice that new daily bars for new days are not being created unless I force an update, instead the chart reflects the latest price in the previous day's bar. This is very bad behavior (not to mention potentially expensive!).

              I am very eager to find out the status of this situation if and when a solution is found.


              • #22
                Is there any other way to refresh/reload a chart other than to CNTL-click on Server Status in the cursor window?

                On my smaller charts, I don't want to hide any chart area by displaying the server status in the cursor window, and in some cases I don't display the cursor window at all. So when charts are not loading for me in the morning (its happening often) I have to first open the cursor window, then edit the cursor window properties to display the server status, before I can CNTL-click it.

                Maybe I missed it, but I couldn't find a refresh command in the main File or View menus, or (ideally) in the hotkey list. Is there another way to refresh charts?



                • #23
                  I noticed that traderJO is using a 13m chart. I used to use a 13m chart for one of my systems and noticed a strange anomoly with it that may be related to this issue.

                  My time template was 9:30 - 16:15 (maybe JO is on central time?) but the issue should be the same. Namely, a 13min chart did not start receiving data at 9:30 as the time template would indicate. Instead, it started at 9:33 and the first bar was only 10mins long.

                  TraderJO, have you tried waiting until 8:33 to see if your 13m chart starts updating by itself...?


                  • #24

                    Very interesting that you should mention the 8:33 time. Just this morning, I started eSignal a few seconds after 8:33, and voila!, the chart started updating as it should. However, my bars are time stamped correctly as 8:30 ...8:43...etc. Yes, I'm in CST zone.

                    Thanks for the confirming input here. To me, this is also a serious bug of some sort.

