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Page saving-window placement, toolbars

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  • Page saving-window placement, toolbars

    I upgraded to 7.7 can someone please explain how to actually save my page so that some of these windows upon reloading esignal are NOT elongated or widened across my dual moniters and my toolbars are where I left them?

    I must not be doing something right here...

  • #2
    Hi Michele,

    The window size and toolbar placement properties of the Page file should open exactly as they were saved. If the Page file was saved with the various windows stretched across both monitors, then the next time the Page file is opened; they will be displayed across both. The same is true if the windows only occupy one monitor. I'm not sure if you have any floating windows in the Page file, but if you could let me know how you are saving the file, it will shed some light on what you're seeing. Thanks.


    • #3
      NO pop up windows are opened.
      I go to file -exit all and save this is saving a page file
      this also happens if I jsut go to X to exit esignal program
      save current page .

      tool bars are not where they were left my windows that are opened but have to be scrolled to are all blown up in size .

      Does esignal have the ability to save a page that is bigger than viewable without distorting the actual windows? Or is there a limit on how big it can be?


      • #4

        It sounds to me like things aren't being saved properly both the Page File and to the Winsig.ini file (the ini saves where the toolbars are upon exit.)

        What OS are you running?
        If WinXP or NT, do you have rights to write in the C:\Windows folder? (That's where the winsig.ini is saved.)

        It may just be that your install of 7.7 is bad, and a complete uninstall/reinstall needs to be performed... but before we do that, let's check some OS things.
        Jay F.
        Product Manager
        Have a suggestion to improve our products?
        Click Support --> Request a Feature in eSignal 11


        • #5
          Jay f

          ok the window size is worked around here by moving my scroll bars for entire page all way to the rite as well as all the way down to bottom... this saves my windows all the same size , this was what i had to do before on 7.5 as well.

          as to the tool bars they still not where i left them i will email you

