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Data manager crashes when i loose net conection

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  • Data manager crashes when i loose net conection

    Every time i loose my DSL connection for whatever reason when the conection comes back online as soon as IP data starts to flow again Esignal Data Manager crashes with an Application Error and has to be restarted manaully. The error details give no specific cause of the crash, no modname is present.

    Im currently on Esginal 7.7, i have fully uninstalled any previous versions before as recomended by support. This is starting to annoy me.
    Does anyone else have this problem?
    It only really happens if the conection goes down for more than 1/2 a minute, but with an unstable DSL this could be once a day or more. It sucks to come back and find you havent been collecting live data.

  • #2

    Have you ever tried disconnecting the DSL line from the PC and then reconnecting it a few minutes later? Wonder if that causes a crash. There's lots of instances when the inbound ISP connection may drop but I haven't heard of crashes when the data resumes. It's almost like something is being sent by the ISP when service resumes that we aren't managing effectively.



    • #3
      I actually have a DSL and a microwave link. It does it with either conections.
      There is a possibilty it could be unique to my computer and configuration but I think you right in that there is something not being handled correctly by data manager.

      It could be pretty hard to recreate. I have never intentially tried to recreate it myself, I don’t know wether I can or not, but I know it happens too much to be a one of occurrence. I will try later when exchanges close.

      I also use Outpost firewall. Will try with it disabled as well.

